Story 3

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POV: Romeo
Romeo couldn't believe his eyes as he saw his Juliet laying there, dead. He knew she wasn't dead he had heard the nurse and her conversing about the liquidly medicine, it's not supposed to kill her.

But yet it looked so real, she laid there her chest not moving, she looked pale as snow but yet I still didn't believe it.

I took her in my arms and cautiously left the capulet castle.

I made sure the guards didn't see me or I would probably be dead meat. Not wanting that to happen I cautiously dodged the guards. When I was out of premises I quickly made it to a boat.

I got on and started moving the boat, my uncle had given me instructions to a far away island where people didn't care about the capulets nor montegueus feud.

And that's where we were headed.

When we got there I was quickly taken to a dorm where I laid her down and waited till she woke up.
Her eyes fluttered open.

•tell me what you want

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