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I woke up. I had the dream again. Dad says I've been having it since I was 4. That's an awful long time for a dream to be coming back over again.
I opened the curtains to my room at my dads house. The walls were painted light yellow, my
Favorite color, there was a white bed in the corner, a bookcase on the right, and a desk on the left.
I loved it here.
I walked outside my room and to the potion to find my dad waiting for me. He's always up early. But, I like to sleep in. I was surprised he didn't wake me up this morning.
"Happy Birthday, Abby!" He said.
"Thank you!" I said, grinning.
"I have something for you." He said, reaching into his desk. He pulled out a letter. But, little did I know, this letter would change my life.
"Is this really..."
"Yes. Open it!"
"But I'm only 10!" I said.
"Well, Professor Dumbledore thought it would be best to send you now because your already know as much as the first years."
I opened the letter.
"Ms. Snape,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."
"I guess a trip to Diagon Alley is in order." He said.
He lead me to the fireplace and gently pushed me in. He got the floo powder and handed some to me.
"Speak clearly!" He said.
"Diagon alley!" I said, throwing the powder down at my feet.
It was like going a million miles a second. Because I was. Before I knew it, I was in Diagon Alley. Dad appeared a few seconds later.
We went to get my robes fitted, and to get all my books. But, there was one thing missing...
"A wand?" I asked. "But, dad! I already have a wand!"
"That's a training wand." He said. "We need to get you a real one."
We walked into another store. The sign read, 'Ollivanders'
"Here, you get your wand, and I'll be right back." Dad said walking out.
A few minutes after he walked out, another boy walked in.
"Hello." I said.
"Hi." He said.
"I'm Abby Snape. What's your name?"
"I'm Harry Potter. Everyone's been treating me different and I don't know why! It seems like everybody knows me!"
"I don't." I said.
"That's a first." He said looking at me. I could already feel some sort of connection between us.
Just then, a man swooped by on a ladder.
"I wondered when I would be seeing you two." He said.
He handed me a wand first. "Try this." He said.
I gave it a wave and some glass broke in the back room.
"Nope. Not that one." He said.
He went to the back.
"Try this. Hawthorn wood with a unicorn hair core. 12 1/4 inches and slightly yielding flexibility."
I held it and I all of a sudden felt warm inside. And I knew it was the one.
"That's it! There's your wand!"
Just then, dad came in the door. He stopped at the sight of Harry. He stared at him for a good while and then proceed to buy my wand from Ollivander. He took me outside where he showed me an owl in a cage.
"Happy birthday, Abby!" He said
"She's beautiful! Thank you!"
"What are you going to name her?"
He stopped and it looked like he was going to cry. But he took a deep breath, and said, "that's a very nice name. Now, let's go back home."
He grabbed my arm and apperated us back home. I have to say, it was rather scary. I haven't apperated before. I set my stuff down in my room and then went back to the living room.
"Abby. I want you to stay away from that Potter kid."
"How did you know Harry?" I said.
"Just stay away from him." He said. "I get a bad feeling from him."
I opened my mouth to argue, but then closed it. It wasn't worth getting in trouble over Harry.
I went to bed that night knowing that in tomorrow, I would be at Hogwarts.

Abigail Snape: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now