I'm in Love With an E-Boy

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He's beauty, he's great.


Wilbur soot woke up that morning with a positive attitude, soon enough it had turned negative. Waking up was amazing but recalling your life was not the best part, yes he had a YouTube channel, subscribers, and friends. Soon enough though, he had a personal life and a personal love life. The problem was one of the people he was falling in love with was considered a friend and only a friend, so far. 

He did hygiene and walked over to the kitchen making coffee, his mind still fuzzy from just waking up. People have always wondered if he had a love life and if so who this person was, which was Jschlatt. The American YouTuber who's in the Misfits group, vlogging with the lunch club and everything. His funny attitude and upbeat personality taking a toll on Wilbur soot, the man himself. 

Nobody knew because he hid it so well, his coffee has finished by now. He walks over to his desk and turns on his PC, checking social media. Nothing has been updated except some tweets by the people he knew, he scans over to Twitter messages and sees Jschlatt had texted him. Sadly it was only a goodnight he had missed right as he turned off his devices last night. 

The Brit opens up Discord and texts Schlatt a " Hello, are you up? ", then gets up to change into something more presentable. Only wearing grey sweatpants and a white T-shirt he changes into a black sweater, black pants, and a Rhinestone Decor Snake Chain Necklace. Slipping on black socks and walking over he sees that he's received a message from Schlatt, " Hey, I'm up can we call? ". He thought about it for a moment before deciding he had nothing better to do, maybe they could stream Minecraft together. 

The call had been going on for about five through seven hours now, both of them were streaming and lost track of time. They sat and talked for a few more minutes, thinking that it's getting late he decides to say goodbye to his friend, Schlatt. Who happily obliges, they say their goodbyes until a phone starts ringing. On Schlatt's side you can hear him accepting the call, the call still not ended Wilbur waits. 

What he heard next absolutely broke his heart, losing hope to even finish his confession in any way. He ended the call, tears forming in the corner of his eyes. Hearing the person he's been crushing on-call somebody else wasn't a problem but the fact he called that person love, hurt. He went over to his bed, curled up against the sheets, crying. He'd spent time over the past year with Schlatt and it was part of the best things that's ever happened to him before. 

This, this was a side effect. The worst one, that's what he thought. He went to bed that night with a torn stained face. Having no energy to even get up anymore.


Life has always been fucked up in some sort of way. Wilbur thought that maybe he had a chance, that'd he could win Schlatt's heart. That's what love does to you it makes you either, high of joy. Or on the verge of a mental breakdown. He felt like absolute shit, no doubt. He struggled, letting out a soft sigh and getting up. Ignoring his ache to go back and curl up in his bed, he made a cup of coffee. While he waited he did hygiene, pulled out his phone, and checked social media. A text from Tommy, his coffee was ready. 

He honestly didn't know what to do in this situation. He decided to just, confess. See how it goes and hoping it was a misunderstanding because if not, he was gonna burst out crying right then are there. All that time falling in love with this person, doing anything for that person only to be rejected. Wilbur texted Schlatt asking to call, and only call. 

Too scared to facetime, which concluded his only option was to call since texting would be useless. Being left on seen, was one of the last things he wanted right now. He rung Schlatt and just waited, the ringing continued for a good ten more seconds be it picked up.

" Hello? "

Wilbur bit his lip, responding. " Hello, Schlatt! Let's be straight-forward I need to get something off my back. " 


" Okay. What do you need? "

His breathing hitched, he said it anyway. Three simple words with such meaning and passion put into them. So much that it hurt.

" I love you, and I have for a long time now. I just had to tell you after all this time spending together and I'm sorry. I know you don't feel the same. " 


That's it, nothing else just plain silence, and that hurt. 
He knew he didn't have a chance.

"I don't love you, Wilbur, I'm in love with someone else. I'm sorry, truly am. I hope we can still be friends, yea? "

For a second he felt like couldn't breathe, as if the air had been knocked out of his lungs. Tears threatening to come out of his eyes, he hung up not wanting to embarrass himself more than he already has. 

Tears spilling down his face, running down non-stop. 
He cried and sobbed. He had wished, wished so much that he might be wrong.
That Schlatt just might love him, but of course, he was mistaken. 
Now he had to dwell on the consequences, consequences he didn't deserve.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2020 ⏰

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I'm In Love With An E-Boy .𝙎𝙘𝙝𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙗𝙪𝙧.Where stories live. Discover now