Oneshot number 5!

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 Maya sighed as she searched for a dancing partner. It was a mandatory ball, how was there no one to dance with? She looked left and right, then ran straight into another person. Maya looked up at the stunningly beautiful girl she had just run into and thought; 'Shoot, she's hot'.

The girl, who Maya now noticed was exceptionally tall, looked down at her and went "Hi". Maya blinked for a second and replied with another hi.

The girl stuck out her hand. "My name's Eleanor, how about you?" she asked. "I'm Maya", Maya replied.

Eleanor smiled. "Nice meeting you Maya." They shared a comfortable silence mixed with the background music of- you guessed it- Canon in D on repeat. A silence that Maya decided to break.

"So, how is someone as beautiful as you not out there dancing with someone?" She inquired. Eleanor looked a little sad at this and explained with "When you're tall like me, nobody asks you for a dance."

Maya looked up at her again and declared, "Eleanor, may I ask you for a dance?", with a light blush on her face.

Eleanor looks shocked for a moment, then grins and amends "I would love to. Lead the way."

They spent the night and the rest of their lives together, as happy as can be, while praying no one nags about the height difference cliché.

                                                             THE END

   Hi, so this one's kind of short but I just thought the picture on top was the cutest thing. I actually don't know if you can tell what it says, but I'd imagine based on the story, you'd get the gist.

Have nice day/night!

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