Mikes GF

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Will was sitting on his couch one afternoon after school waiting for mike to come over like he said at school.It's been a while and he was not sure if he was even coming "got dammit mike where are you"will yells luckily he was by himself.On his way to is room after he was tired of waiting he heard a knock on the door.. Was it mike he thought to himself.

He was speeding to the door but in a calm way he did want to seem to excited.He opened the door and there stands.. A tall boy with dark curly hair with beautiful eyes standing there with his hand on his hand the other to the side of him.its mike!!! He froze at the moment and started to blush they a voice said"umm sorry im late will.. i have some news..-mike  said."oh it's fine i guess um so what news?'

They sat down on wills bed to talk about mikes news.Will could not stop but look at mike while he was sitting there .Mike was staring at his feet before he started to talk."so will you know eleven right"

Will snapped out of it"Oh yea.." he said kinda scared and nervous. 'well we uh-umm-well" mike is starting to hesitate-"SPIT IT OUT YOUR SCARING ME"will said scared."were um dating now"*the room became silent*will said sarcastically"i'm so happy for you" mike knew something was off with will but he stayed quiet'*it was summer time a few days before school* 

mike left to go to elevens after talking to will feeling some type of thing not sure what it is

*mike is bi but not sure at this time*

Will goes to his room upset and happy.Don't get him wrong he was happy for mike for finding someone-but will had a crush on mike for years ever since they were friends.He wanted to scream into his pillow right when he was about to he heard a noise.He heard his mom and jonathan talking on their way in the door.he got up exited and greeted them at the door really excited!There's my little brother"jonathan says-Will hug jonathan after not seeing him all day."How was your day sweetie?"Joyce said asking is a unsure voice after him being alone all day-"it was good"will said un sure also he was lying well half way it was a good day but mike had a girlfriend he has no chance with mike not like he had one in a first place why would mike like sucha freak like him.

9:00 pm after dinner

"hey mom im kinda tired tired im going to head to bed now"will said yawning"

"ok sweetie see you in the morning"joyce said lovingly*jonathan was already sound asleep*will could no sleep he could not stop thinking of mike..Was this wrong?what am i doing?what am i getting myself into?he keeps saying to himself wanting to break down in tears.he wanted to tell mike but he could never what would happen maybe he could tell mike he is gay i need to get it of my chest he kept saying' he forgot sometime next week when school starts mike is coming over for dinner and might sleep over at this point will was a big mess.


will woke up to jonathan nudging him softly saying"mom told me to say hi for you she had to leave but will be back later" will was half asleep and just rolled to the side saying"oh ok i will be up soon give me 5 minutes' jonathan nodded  and left. will was upset but feeling better today

will went to mike's house where stood mike and eleven he just looked and mike a froze and started to blush-"oh hey will hru the others should be here soon"ike said will confused of what he said just said"ok"softly.here comes dustin and lucas and max fighting over some dumb stuff like whos better at any video game-"hey there guys"they all said will said"hii" happy to see them glad they showed up.they played and talked for hours but will always had his eyes on mike with his cute fluffy hair and freckles-"hey earth to will you there you good"lucas said will unfroze going back to reality"oh umm sorry just thinking about things on my mind" bth dustin and max said at the time time"like what?""jink' they also said"but really what is it'-max said will not sure what to do thought of something fast  " just thinking about school i'm not really ready you know troy hates me" they mike looked at him and said It will be fine will promise i'm here forever" he said comforting him-will blushed and giggled."hey don't mean to stop you guys from flirting in all but we have to go;mike and will both shocked and not sure what to do but mike said:ok lucas carry on with your fantasies"

they all left but eleven she wanted to say to her bf"bye mike see you tomorrow" while she kisses him on the cheek"then she walk off"guess its just me and you byers" mike said.will looking at his feet feeling shy since he has feelings for mike and just wanted to tell.not him liking mike just him being gay he trusted mike and wanted to tell him.

"umm-uhh mi-ke i" he could not finish saying what he wanted but mike was scared and confused"yea will you want to say something" will was nervous and did not want to ruin his friendship with his best friend."well i need to tell you something really important like really important" mike nodding heading him towards his room-'so what do you want to say" will got the courage to do it-"so mike we have been friends for a long time what i'm about to say i don't want to ruin it" mike concerned said sure will what is i'm sure it won't ruin our friendship' he just said it"mike i dont like girls..i like boys and i-"he bursted into tears"mike shocked but not really he was really happy for will for him to tell him something so big"i'm so proud of you will idk why this would ruin our friendship this makes me so happy"mike puts arm around will to comfort him while he cries-will is so happy mike supports him because he was the first one he told.

he fell asleep on mike but jonathan came and picked him up and drove him to and put him in his bed sound asleep.

NOTE:HEY guys sorry if this is bad it's 12:40 AM rn but i hope you like it may seem all over they place but tell me what you want to see next bye i will write the next chapter later:)

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