~Movies pt2~

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"HEY WILL"mike said really happy to see will again"hey mike are you ready to go I'M SO EXCITED THIS WILL BE GREAT!" he said grabbing mikes hand pulling him into the doors running in  the mall to the theaters sneaking in the back where steve let them in for free.

they sat down in the middle but more towards the back so they were not to close up.they were not so sure what they were watching they just wanted to hang out together."OMG WHAT IS THAT"-will said laughing when a weird like creature  showed up.""WTF is that thing"laughing while jokingly punched will shoulder.will giggled*will was feeling butterflies in his stomach he really liked mike but did not want to ruin their friendship*

mikes head: what was i thinking why did i punch  his shoulder like really he probably think we are just friends well we are but he will never know that he likes him but he was not sure if will liked him back...

they watched and laughed while watching the movie and throwing popcorn at each other and throwing candy in their mouth that they snuck in the movie.there was about 30 minutes left of the move and mike really wanted to do something but he was so scared and running out of time.he was not sure what to do will was looking so cute he rubbed his head then putting his hand on his lap tapping his thigh and then setting it flat down.Mike could not help but stare he was so cute 


Will saw mike staring at him but he did not mind he kind of liked it so he kept going sitting his hand down and kind of blushing but trying not to smile.he really wanted to kiss mike but he thought it was weir and did not think he liked him back-

mike had to do something he cant keep this in any longer-mike took his hand and put it on wills hand looking at him to make sure it was ok.Will looked at mike smiling and looking back at the movie.mike had the biggest smile and so many butterflies rn he was so glad he did he smiled at will and looked back

will again 

I was sitting down enjoying the movie today has been so good so far i am glad to be spending time with mike he loved being close to mike it made him feeling all happy and warm and all of a sudden i felt something touching my hand i looked down and mikes hand was on my hand i was freaking out inside i  was so happy then i  looked at mike and smiled then looked back at the movie then mike squeezed my hand then let go and smiled i smiled back at him

They left the theater as if nothing has happened he was kind of ok with it mike is just glad he did something and will was feeling great skipping out of the theater he smiled at mike and miked winked at him and left on his way home (it was now 4 pm)

mike waked home and he was so happy when he got home he skipped into the door smiling  and walking up stairs "why so happy Michael wheeler" said his sister Nancy "uhh um nothing and pls dont call me that" he stopped smiling till he got to his room he flopped on to his bed smiling thinking about will

about 4 and half hours later after will spent some time at the park thinking  it was now 8:30 now and will was now walking home(no one was home that night)

Will  was by mikes house since they lived close and he smiles and headed home till then he heard a voice."Hey zombie boy his that your boyfriends house' he heard *oh shit he said softly*its troy."what do you want troy why can't you just leave me alone"will said confident."why don't you go to your boyfriends you fucking f*g"troy said loudly will started to back up but troy punched him right in the nose knocking him to the ground troy laughs and walks away.will was so hurt the only place he knew was mikes he also hurt his ankle.he started to limp in pain to mike's house

Hey hope you enjoyed this chapter i can't wait for the next chapter it will be so good well i think i'm so excited well leave your feelings down below.

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