Getting the first one

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" Why are you being so mean kacchan" child izuku said "what are you gonna do about it DEKU" katsuki bakuhoe said
" I-if you keep on hurting her ill-uh ill stop you myself" deku said to the older blonde " you dont stand a chance without a quirk DEKU" "thats the reason I gave you that name DEFENSELESS IZUKU" and with those words came a feeling katsuki never felt, DREAD he was scared at what happened next, deku grew and grew until their was nothing but a massive white scaled dragon that was looking down at katsuki, izuku huffed and a massive gust of wind blew and deku shrunk back to normal and passed out.


The next day deku woke up in not his bed but in a hospital bed he looked around and saw his mother inko midoriya talking with a doctor he then sneezed and made his presence known so inko rushed over and hugged little deku and he couldn't breath so he tapped on his mothers back twice and she let go and apologized the doctor came over and said "well it appears that his quirk manifested late and it did this trough intense emotions and physical contact" "so izuku what do you want to call your quirk?" Then deku said " how about dragonic retribution?" The doctor and inko were shocked a four year old knew such words and how to use them. "Ok just sign these papaers and your quirk is registered"


It was the last say of middle school and the teacher walked in with a stack of papers and said " ok class settle down, so i was going to pass out there career sheets and make you do them buuuuut who cares you all wanna be heros right" as he tosses the stack of papers in the air and everyone went ballistic showing off their quirks and yelling. " settle down settle down you all know the rules about quirk use" just then someone jumped on their desk and said " hey teach dont lump me in with these losers they'll be lucky to end up as some sidekick to some busted d-lister, hah" " oh yeah katsuki you applied for UA didn't you" the teacher said " thats right ill be getting the spot at #1 hero and be better than all might and be the richest hero of all time!!" He exclaimed " oh yea midoriya didnt you apply for UA too"


Izuku was walking home a different way to think and just then the sewer drain lid shots off scaring izuku and out came the slime villain the villain then said a a nice sized body suit (Fact: izuku trained his whole life for his quirk so he has an 8 pack) then the villain lunged at deku and just before he caught izuku, deku blew fire at the villain and the villian blew everywhere so deku started cleaning. Half way through cleaning All Might came through the manhole and yelled "I AM HERE" deku just deadpanned and said "to late" and game him the bottle and walked away while all might was in awe at how he didn't fanboy at him so he took the bottle and jump away when he landed he heard a loud explosion so he ran to it and when he got there he saw the sludge villain and he was thinking 'why aren't these heros
Doing something' he then heard  deatharms say " i cant grab him my quirk isn' t suited for this" just then he saw the boy from earlier run in and blast the villain away with one attack
<izuku's pov>
When i was done with the villain i was scolded for saving my 'friend' while bakuhoe was praised for his quirk so i did the only logical thing ... ... ... i walked away🤯

So uh first chapter i had fun writing 666 words and hoped you guys like reading them also this maybe rushed because i wrote this at like 4 in the morning also my dad said heed  be taking my phone if i didn't sleep tonight so ill post a calendar later buh bye😀

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