Chapter 16: Break The Curse

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Just a quick thing before it starts REEEEE, Stoner, Mr. Cheese, Detective, and FNAFFan are all my friends irl. (Ikr I have friends 0.0) FANFFan is my boyfriend. (He has an odd obsession but idc.)
Ok now enjoy.

QueenOfSus POV
I had to save him quick. I left the server and got the code to the one with my friends. I put in the code AFDENK, I spawned in.
REEEEE: Sus, your back! You were gone for hours.
QueenOfSus: I know, I know. Babe, your in danger again.
FNAFFan: What why?!
QueenOfSus: You remember Icebreaker right?
Stoner: Who the hell is Icebreaker?
QueenOfSus: Hes basically a bot. I made him to help get rid of impostors and help the crew, but then, Icebreaker detected Fnaf as an impostor, then he escaped, and now hes coming to kill Fnaf.
QueenOfSus: I wouldn't be talking about yourself, Cheese.
Stoner: Oofff...
QueenOfSus: But anyway, back to the point, Fnaf, you have to get out of here. Hes coming for you.
FNAFFan: I dont want to leave you guys though...
Detective: Dude, our code will always be the same. You can come back once it's safe.
I started to cry, I didnt want him to leave eather. But it was for his own good. I'll break that damn robots curse even if it kills me...Fnaf saw I was crying and he hugged me. He tried to calm me down, once he did, he leaned in to kiss me. But the Stoner pushed him away.
Stoner: Oh hell no. You two are not doing that, you guys are gonna make me sick.
QueenOfSus: I hate you Stoner.
Stoner: I know.
I just punched him in the face making him fall on the floor.
FNAFFan: Well, I'd better go.
QueenOfSus: Sadly, yes. It will be any minute now until he finds the code. Wait, here! Take this.
I gave him a necklace I was wearing. It was a little snowflake with a blue gem in the middle.
FNAFFan: Why?
QueenOfSus: I could possibly die trying...So I want you to take that to remember me if I do die.
He looked at me in suprise.
FNAFFan: Please, dont die. You have already almost died and that scared the life out of me. I dont want you to die.
He hugged me again with tears in his eyes.
FNAFFan: You're my everything. I...c-cant lose you...
QueenOfSus: I'll try my best.
He let go of me and dissapeared. I took a deep breath and Icebreaker spawned in.
Icebreaker: WHERE IS HE?!
QueenOfSus: Guys...Go...
Stoner, Mr. Cheese, REEEEE, Detective: What?!
QueenOfSus: Let me handle this...
Mr. Cheese: We are not letting you go alone Sus! You are gonna die if you do this alone!
They all left and it was just me and him...
Icebreaker: TELL ME WHERE IS HE?
QueenOfSus: Hes. Gone.
QueenOfSus: If you want to get to him, your going to have to get rid of me first!
Icebreaker: With pleasure...Creator...

Ok I'm sorry that it's a cliffhanger and it's kinda short. The next few chapters will be pretty short, only because a few things are gonna happen so I want to keep those in parts. So anyway
Stay Awesome Stay Sweet and I'll see yall later!!

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