Confessions and Coffee (Merlin)

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Merthur Modern AU not reincarnation because those are really odd for me. A sort of coffee shop AU but its not really. I haven't been out recently, but I'm guessing that Costa and Starbucks and smaller coffee shops have their Christmas range on now. Then I was wondering who would go to a coffee shop, and I thought it would be Merlin, wouldn't it ? XD Also I have barely any knowledge of anything to do with universities so just go with it :)


Merlin had just finished up in the library of Camelot Uni, and was heading out. As he walked the halls to get out of the small study building, he bumped into his friends, who apparently had just finished their football training for the mixed team. 

They had been offered to go to the all male team, but they wouldn't leave Gwen to go to the girls team with Morgana and Morgause, who were known for bullying anyone who was better them, and worse, and who didn't follow every order that the co-captains gave, on and off the pitch. 

The Knights as they were dubbed, yes including Gwen, who was known as the Queen (its a small uni, everyone has a nickname) were just coming out of the sports hall, and saw Merlin and waved him over.

"Merlin! Where've you been while we were kicking a spherical bit of rubber around pointlessly?" Gwaine asked? 

"Studying for end of term exams, you know, boring stuff," Merlin replied, laughing. Gwaine facepalmed, and Percival nudged him. 

Elyan rolled his eyes, "Right, we should be getting back really," the Knights lived in student accommodation, with the exception of Arthur, who had lived in Camelot, and they all lived in this one house together. Merlin, although was considered  a sort of Knight even though he had never been "Knighted" (by getting into the mixed football team),  lived with an Old Family Friend called Gaius, who lived on the same street as the Knight's 3 bed house. 






Saturday soon came round, and Gaius had gone out to work at his Pharmacists, and then to get some more logs because they forgot to get some before the weather got colder and had used them all up. 

Merlin was freezing, so cold that his fingers were seezing up and he was finsing it hard to keep his book in his hands. It reached 2PM and Merlin gave up, decideing to go to the coffee shop at the end of the road. He put his coat on, pulled a hat over his head, and wrapping a warmer-than-usuall scarf around his neck, grabbed his backpack, book and laptop (he was going to be there a while, might as well do some homework if he finshed his book) phone and wallet, locked the door and shoved his heands deep into his pockets. The five minute walk would be worth it. 

He walked in, and went over to the counter, to look at the menu

"Afternoon Merlin, we have just started our Christmas menu, would you like to take a look?" the owner knew Merlin and the others who lived on the street as regulars. Merlin nodded as he rubbed his hands together, taking the menu over to a small two-person sofa in the corner by the fire. It was a spot he spent a lot of time in, and it also had a plug.

He ordered a cup of coffee (the sudden warmness was making him sleepy) and a slice of cake that was going.

About two hours and three slices of cake later, someone burst through the door. Merlin took no notice, there had been people coming in and out the whole time he had been there.

"Merlin! Hey, I'vebeen looking for you. Why haven't you been answering your phone?" Melin looked up sharply to come face to face with Arthur, leader of the Knights, one of his best friends and long time crush. (Merlin didn't want to do anything incase it ruined their friendship)

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