Home (Johnlock)

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The idea was given to me by smolgaybean_ and I thought it was great!

And Merthur ship Johnlock so it has to be cannon. (See above story)

Also I know that John first meets Sherlocks parents in an episode but who cares I'm breaking the rules.

Pairings : Johnlock (eventually)

"What are you doing over Christmas?" John asked, as Sherlock walked into the flat.

"Parents house, Mycroft insisted," Sherlock replied, sitting down in his chair opposite John, paused and then "What about you?"

"I was thinking of just staying here, have a nice quiet day with Mrs Hudson, maybe send Harry a text,"

"You have no wish to see her?" Sherlock asked, intrigued.
"She has no wish to see me," John replied, "Mrs Hudson makes good company and she doesn't try to tell everyone what thier presents are before they had been given,"

"I happen to know that Mrs Hudson is going to stay with her cousin for Christmas," Sherlock replied,
"Oh, oh... ok, I'll see if Greg wants to come over then,"
"Greg? Is that a secret boyfriend?"
"Lestrade! No, why? Are you jelous,"
"No. Lestrade happens to have already taken leave to go to Norway for Christmas,"
"Yes, Norway, keep up,"

"Are you trying to ruin Christmas or does it just happen?" John asked, loudly,
"Why don't you come to my parent's house with me,"


"Because even I know that no-one should be alone at Christmas," Sherlock replied, suddenly finding his shirt sleeve incredibly interesting.

"And my parents want to meet you," He finished
"Have you told them what an idiot I am?" John asked accusingly,
"Something like that, yeah,"
"Ok, yeah, I mean, as long as they don't mind,"

"They won't,"
"Well at least phone and ask,"


A two weeks later, John and Sherlock were packed and had one more night before they hopped on a train that would take them to Sherlock's parents.

The next morning they went down to Paddington station to get on the 10:03 train.

"What am I supposed to say to your parents?"
"Hi, I'm John, I love woth Sherlock and I help him with cases, though mostly he doesn't notice when I'm there and not there, and I usually hear "hit me in the face" in subtext with whatever he is saying. Even if it is just predicting the weather. I see but I do not observe and thats something I have to work on, lovely to meet you, Mr and Mrs Holmes. There simple,"

"Hang on, how much have you told them about me?"

"Not much,"

"Uhhhh, ok,"

Two hours later and one hour to go, Sherlock only stopped "deducting" everyone in the carriage's person life when John said if he didn't stop he would get off the train and go straight back to London, and find Anderson. At that point, he pulled out a book about something latin, and John went to sleep.

□■□■□■□     《♡》     □■□■□■□
(Don't ask)

They arrived at the station and disembarked.
"Mycroft is probably already here, and hailing a cab is very hard when there are no cabs, so my parents would be picking us up. My father is driving, my mother doesn't, and he likes to subconsciously park next to red cars when he can, because the garage wall is red, so I'm thinking they are over there."

"Wow," John whispered as they walked out of the railway station towards the only red car in the tiny carpark. On nearing the silver car next to in Sherlock nodded and quickened his pace.

However, on trying to open the door, he found it was locked. Sherlock sighed "Where have they gone?"

"Found them," John said, nodding to Mycroft and two older people who John guessed were his parents.

They walked up to them, and Mycroft nodded his head towards the car, "I see you remember, Little Brother,"
"Indeed I do, and as we are in company I would say this : Mother, Father, this is Dr John Watson, John this is my Mother and Father,"

"Pleasure to meet you both," John shook hands with both of them and they went off to the car.

"So, John, Sherlock has told us a lot about you," Mrs. Holmes makes coversation and the three younger men are slightly squished together in the back. Luckly its only a short drive.

"Yes, so he says. I'm going to say that part of it at least isn't true." John shifted uncomfortably on the left, Sherlock in the middle and Mycroft on the right (deeply regretting coming to this particular reunion since he saw his brother and the Doctor yesterday)

"So you're not a war veteran who likes the excitment of helping Sherlock on his cases?"

"Well, yes, that's true, although he does complain about me not actaully helping, more just being there so it doesn't look like he's talking to himself,"

"Yes, well, only to your face dear. You should hear the things he tells me. Once, he said-"
"Ok, Mother! John doesn't need to hear everything that happens on our telephone conversations, if he did, he would have bugged my phone. Which he hasn't. Have you?" A worried look suddenly  came across Sherlock's face as they pulled up outisde the Holmes Cottage.

"No he hasn't of course he hasn't. He's been too busy trying to find a girlfriend and failing because he is-" Mycroft was cut off my John,
"Too old to have a proper relationship. Girls don't really want someone who's only interest is war and crime. Jolly shame."

"What about-"

"Oh look we're here, why don't we actaully get out of the car rather than just sit here all afternoon," Sherlock said, unbuckling himself and nudging Mycroft to open the door.

"Welcome home, and happy Christmas boys," Mrs Holmes said opening the door to the smell of cinnamon, gingerbread and everything Christmassy. The three were brought back to the fact that they were here for Christmas as they walked in and every inch of the house was decorated with tastefull things.

They didn't know it yet, but this was to be one of the best Christmases they had ever had.


But shorter, and I had little idea of what to write, probably more bits later. Tmrw may be Narnia.

Also its late and I had an exam today. So I amnot really up for writing much.

BUT SO FAR I'VE MANAGED TO ACTUALLY DO IT! I have some commitment issues with writing (and doing history homework but thats because its boring not because I have writers block) stories, probably because I dlnt have a set schedule and I like to have one for this type of thing.

Which is why this is kind of good because I have to do it everyday, and have ti set aside at least an hour to get a good bit done.

So hopefully it's ok.

I am running out of ideas, so any would be usefull, I will do most fandoms, just not anime or Harry Potter.

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⏰ Última atualização: Dec 05, 2020 ⏰

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