1: where it all started

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"Done glaring Little slut?"


Today was a new start of a new year at Hogwarts. I got dressed for class and threw on my Gryffindor robe. Over the summer my body had changed a lot. My body had gotten more womanly features. I had grown bigger boobs and I admired how my skirt showed my curves. I went down to My mom and got breakfast. We went to the train station and I saw allot familiar faces. I kept looking for Luna but she was know were to be seen.

I climbed inside the train, holding my rob in my arms. I began to look for her. It was easy to spot her, her long golden hair waved behind her as I saw her head pop up in the carriage. the carriage was empty except for her.

"Hey, Luna" I smiled as I sat down next to her.

"Rosaline" She cheered as she gave me a warm hug. Luna gave the best hugs. The type of hugs you truly need. We talked for quite a time. We sat down in a carriage whit Ron, Hermione, Harry, and Nevile.

I sat down at the Gryffindor table. I heard giggling coming from the Slytherin table and can't help to overhear. "She's such a loser, she can't do a thing"I look around and see Pansy laughing whit the girls. She was a big bitch. I sight and look next to them and meet Malfoys glaze, I quickly turn around and look back down.

I ignore the girls but then I hear them again" Like she doesn't know how to do anything, Little cry baby" You look up and see the 3 girls screaming from a green light. I look around to see a snake on the table. I see Malfoys wand hidden under the table. I smile a little and turn around again. "Don't listen to them" Hermione said

"Vipera Evanesca" Dumbledore said and the snake vanished

I walked out of the great hall whit all the other students. I was about to turn the corner but I fell off a foot being put out and my face bumped into something hard. I quickly stood up and I felt his presence. he's scent giving away his identity. Draco Malfoy. I walked past him without meeting his glare. I heard Crabb and Goyle giggle as I walked past them,

I went straight to bed and didn't think much more of it.

The next morning I woke up early and showered. I took on a fitting skirt. I wanted my curves to stick out and I wasn't afraid of letting it show. I fixed my hair and went down for breakfast.

Some heads turned when I walked past.

There weren't a lot of students and I just sat down by myself. I looked at the Slytherin table and I meet Malfoys eyes, he ran his fingers through his platinum blonde hair and looked away from me. Why Would Malfoy even look at me?

He's changed so much over the summer, Gotten taller, longer hair, and a sharp jawline why was he so much hotter. No, I couldn't think like this. That was Malfoy the boy who have bullied me all the years showing me down the stairs.

I finished my plate and walked out. While I was walking alone in the corridor I felt some hands on my shoulder. They pushed me around I looked up at him admiring his beautiful features.

"Done glaring Little slut?"

Fuck I stared at him for too long. "Stopp being so full of yourself." I said " he didn't reply. "Why did you call that snake then?" I said. "I didn't do it I don't know how that got there but it wasn't me, why would I do that." He said stepping closer to me making me have to step back to keep our distance.

"I saw your wand under the table Malfoy, "I said why couldn't he just say it was him "Witch one he said" smirking. shit i got my self into that one. He stepped closer and my back hit the wall.  "You know which one Malfoy."His chest was touching mine. I looked into his hazel eyes. All I wanted was for him to kiss me. He leaned closer to me making my hopes grow high. He then released me from the wall.

"You should have seen your face, Rosaline, pathetic."

"Fuck you Draco!" I said and left. "Just like you want to! " he said shouting from the end of the corridor.

I hated Draco He was such a jerk. I went to my first class that was the defense against dark art with Snape. I don't know why Dumbledore had given Snape that class. The fire raged in my stomach. Malfoy had made me feel like an idiot again.

We had defense against ark whit the Slytherins. Could my life be more miserable? I sat down whit Hermione. She and I were both the brains of the school. I liked to hide it more whit a sense of humor. I think it drives her insane but that's the fun part.

After the class, I headed to the library to meet Luna. That bitch had given us homework on the first day. I sat down with her. She didn't hav defense against the dark art today. "Every year the Ravenclaws invites the other houses to a new year part, Would you like to go whit me?"Luna said

"Then why haven't I been invited before," I said a little irritated "Because you didn't have an awesome friend like me to invite you. But it's only for 5th years and up. They kick the small ones to bed"

"Sure I come," I said I was already planning my outfit in my head. "See you at 9 then," she said and left. I did my homework and went to the common room.

I took a shower and curled my brown hair. I took on a little makeup and got dressed. I had on a black slim dress and matching shoes. I met Luna outside the Ravenclaw room she looked stunning. We went inside. Luna said hi to a few people and they greet her back.

We walked to the middle of the room and there were drinks on the table. I take a shot and walk whit Luna again. I noticed that she didn't drink and that was fine whit me. I followed behind Luna. We walk past a group of boys and I felt a hand on my waist. I turned around to see an older boy. He smirks "How about a kiss baby?"

I smiled a little and wonder if that has ever worked on a girl "How about a broken nose" He still didn't move his fingers and I started to take my wand out. He finally let go of me and I walked to Luna.

She was talking to this boy "I'm glad you made it" The boy said

"Every change to get drunk you know" I joke and look at Luna and gave her the who is this stare. The boy was quite handsome he had brown curly hair a sharp jawline and there was something about him I couldn't figure out. "I'm Rosaline and you are?"

"I know who you are my sister has told a lot about you," He said

"Wait I didn't catch your name?" Who is his sister? I search around in my mind for people I knew had a brother in Ravenclaw but nada.

I'm Aiden Lovegood he said putting his hand out for me to shake. I shake it and smile. I turn around to face Luna " Why didn't you tell me you had a brother" "We didn't talk about it, "she said. luna could talk about the most random thing and never thought of saying she had a brother.

I turned around to Aiden again and said " Nice meeting you Aidan and I'm going to get more drinks. See yall later" I turned around and went to the table whit drinks. I took 2 more shots and went to the dance floor. There were people from all the houses. But I was the only Gryffindor. I didn't know the other houses hated Gryffindor so much. Even a lot of Slytherins were there.

I danced whit a lot of people I didn't know. I even think I kissed someone. I had taken way too many drinks. I heard the music playing and think how stupid that was. I see a shadow coming to Me. I can only see that he's tall and I can't recognize him.

He grabs me by the waist and starts dancing whit me. I'm way too drunk to be dancing and I know that. His fingers brush against my forehead and he brushes away a stray of hair on my face. I look deeply into his hazel eyes admiring his beautiful creatures. " I think you've partied enough for one night " You hear him chuckle as he lifts your bridal style.

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