2: The health class

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I woke up in my Gryffindor bed in my pajamas. I don't remember anything from last night. Just that I was dancing whit a guy. I couldn't even remember who it was. I hated myself for that. Did I even get myself home? I don't remember that.

Maybe someone followed me. I took a shower. My breath stank alcohol. I brushed my teeth and took on my school clothes. I looked around my room. There was only one bed there since I had my own room. I grabbed my books and went down to eat breakfast. I sat down at the Gryffindor table. Almost everyone was there. I guess we all decided to eat breakfast at the same time.

Dumbledore then stood up. He never did that on the breakfasts."This year we have decided to add a health class to the 6th year." Dumbledore said. Wait what a health class. like teaching us about sex. God, please don't let it be Snape teaching us. "The professor will be Pomfrey." He continued. My heart relieved a little what-if Snape or some of the guy teachers would teach us that. "Well Well enjoy your breakfast and all the houses will have it, First class," Dumbledore said and sat down again.

I looked over to Luna. She was sitting whit this boy I didn't know. There was something familiar about him tho. She finally looked at me and she gave me the" I know what you thinking stare"

We all sat in an Old Classroom. There were put extra tables there since we were going to be all the houses. I sat down next to Luna. Pomfrey started talking I didn't catch what she was saying. "So who were you talking to Luna I," said smirking at her.

"My brother you met him yesterday remember" "

"Actually I don't remember much off last night," I said

"Ellison will be whit Carson," Pomfrey said wait what are we going to do. I don't even know who this Carson dude is.

"You will work together and ask each other the questions on the paper." She says to the class

I walked to the guy I think is the Carson guy. He had blonde hair, blue eyes, a soft smile, and a sharp jawline. He was quite handsome. He had a yellow tie on so I guess he is from Hufflepuff.

"Hi, I'm Rosaline Ellison, and are you, Carson?"

"Yeah I am nice to finally meet you," The guy said.

"Have you heard about me?" I asked confused

"Yeah everybody has been talking about you a couple of last days." He said like it was completely normal. "of course they will "I joked off "But why would they?"

"Well, you have had a big glow up this year. So that makes you even hotter. But everyone has always been talking about you. The rich badass girl. I can name a long list of people who would date you even some from Slytherin. But I think that would be as awkward for them as you"

Wait what people actually noticed me at this school. "Let's just start with the questions. let's go outside and do them." I said

We walked in silence and sat down at a bench outside. "So the first question is Are you sexually active?" Why did I read that out loud before I read it for my self what kind of question is that?

"yeah," He said and laughed a little. That's the dumbest question I have ever heard I though

"Wouldn't you love to know whit who? he asked

"I'm starting to think you're the fuck boy from Hufflepuff," I said

"Well maybe I am," he said smirking

We finished all the awkward questions and went back to Professor Pomfrey " finished already" she said

"You can take the rest off the class free," she said. I delivered the paper and grabbed my bag. I headed out of the classroom. Halfway through the hall, I felt a finger on my shoulder.

I turned around a Carson was standing there."What do you want now Carson?" I said

"I thought since we are the only one done that we could hang out," He said confidential

"I don't even know what your first name is," I said

"Let's start over we got off pretty bad. Hi, I'm Hayden Carson and you are?"

"My name is Rosaline Ellison nice to meet you," I said and shake his hand. We walked around the school for the rest of the class.

Love to the end ( Draco Malfoy)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن