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um hello people I don't think anyone will see this I'm writing this story due to not wanting to do school so anyways I love you all and if anyone does see this here are a phew things about me

(Re-Edited 9/24/21)

1.I'm a girl (she/her)

2.I'm 13 years old born in January (14 now)

3.i don't want to say my name so call me Apathy kun (I stole this name from a fan fic tf)

4.my fave color is red because of karma from assignation classroom( I don't even like read and I have trust issues with that show)

5.i personally think that im on crack because of my weird attitude so yeah (WHO TF LET ME PUBLISH THIS)

6.i watch a lot of anime so please leave some to recommend (leave manhuwa recommendations to)

any ways bye im going to do a quote at the end of each chapter so here's the first one

"I'm not superstitious but I am a little stitious"-Micheal Scott {Steve Carrell} the office(ew no just no this is from google)

{WHY IS IT ALWAYS ME} KageHina depressed hinataWhere stories live. Discover now