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assalamualaikum nanad 🥰

Happy birthday to you 💜
Happy birthday to you 💜
Happy birthday to pwetty 🥺💜
Happy birthday to you 💜

Happy Birthday to the most amazing girl ever , nanad ! 🥳❤️

yeay happy birthday nanad ! 🥳♥️ nanad turn 19 UwU ❤️ tknk ckp bnyk , nak nanad sihat sepanjang hayat je tau 🧡 jaga diri 💛 jaga solat 💚 semoga nanad sntiasa dibawah rahmat Allah SWT 🥺♥️ dan semoga hari ii kau berjln dgn lancar dan semuanya dipermudahkan❣️ thank you weh , thnkyou sbb kau letak kepercayaan kau dkt aku 😔💙 aku appreciate gila 💜 and thnks jugak sbb sllu buat mood aku macam roller coaster bila bca ff kau 🤷🏻‍♀️✨ hiks , nnti lps hbis sem buat ff sun , aku jd heroin HAHAHAHAHAHAH GURAU II 🤣🖐🏻 aku mntk maaf eh klau aku prnh buat kau terasa dgn aku dlm aku tksedar 🥺 I hope its filled with love , laughs and family 🥰💕 Sending you my love on your birthday and everyday dan aku sllu support kau tau 💞 Wishing the best of everything because you're the best 💓 I love you 🥺♥️ Happy birthday , sweetie ! 🥳✨💕

from ; bini sun HAHAHAHAHAH  srhfiena06


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