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"Why did you lie, Harry?" I asked him.

We were standing in the parking lot at my work. He had followed me out here after I was done with my shift and insisted on talking to me. I was shocked to say the least considering how many times he has lied to my face. I know I probably shouldn't even be standing out here, but I need answers and if he wants to talk then lets talk.

"I was scared." He answered.

"Thats your excuse?" I raised my voice at him. "What were you scared of Luke? "

"I was scared of you!" He yelled at me.

I rose my eyebrow. "Why? I'm not gonna like, kill you.." I asked confusingly.

He laughed. "No Vanessa. I was scared of getting too close to you. My last run at this whole feelings thing wasn't good. She ended up fucking me over, and since then I've been scared of comittment ever since."

I stared at him.

"So you lied to me because you were scared?" I asked.

"I know it sounds bad, but yes." Harry answered.

I shoved my hands in my jacket pocket and turn my gaze to the row of cars.

I didn't know what to say. I was still pissed but then at the same time I understood. Because I too have been hurt more times than I can count. But with recent events that have happened I have decided that it's time to hurt the ones that have hurt me.

_ we go

Heartbeat // Harry StylesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora