Tinder match

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Eventually Lucy stopped crying and got on her phone and decided to download tinder so after 30 minutes the app finished down loading and she filled out her profile and her bio and uploaded a picture of herself after about 40 minutes of search she found a guy his named was James he was 6,5 grew up in Alabama and loved to eat big greasy big mac from mcdonalds and he liked football and basketball so at that moment lucy swiped right

James happend to be online and messaged Lucy saying " he girl i saw you swiped right on my profile" Lucy replied "yea" after about 3 hours of texting each other they decided to meet up at a resturant called kappers. Lucy was overjoyed that she finally caught a man.

The next evening lucy stated to get ready she put on a vute green dress with some blue heels and sme yellow earings and he gold bag and headed out the door she walked 4 miled to meet James at kappers but when she got there he was not there she texted him and he replied " he meet me in the ally im in a blue truck" Lucy went to that ally and met up with so called james but it was a guy he did not ft james description and the guy said "he i'm james bodygaurd he tld me to pick you up. Lucy hopped in the van with his bodygaurd.

After about driving 5 miles the were in the country then James body gaurd pulled ove and said to Lucy you like needles and before she said anything he injected her with a needle that had sleeping meds in it after about a good 4 hours lucy woke up in a old abandoned she tied up she screamed for help and the shed door slowly opened and James walked in and said "hey Lucy" and she freaked out as James gave her some  more sleeping meds.

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