The boss

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After a while Lucy woke up but this time she was in a house and she saw a shadow that look familiar OMG it was Eric her EX ad her sister Monica.

She asked what was going on and Eric stepped forward and said " well you would not help me when i got shot and I figured out that you stole all my money" Lucy confessed to it and James but her back into the blue truck and drove her to a new place they took her out of the van into the special building in that building we alot of boxes and James put her in the box that said ship to Italy and theys hipped Lucy to Italy once Lucy got to Italy she ripped the box and hopped out she saw many people she walked up to the nearest police station and asked for help this one guy named Danny offered to help her.

Danny took Lucy to his place with his one daughter Mina and she stayed the night and the next day Danny bought Lucy some new clothes and him and Mina packed there bags to head back to the US.

Once they arrived Lucy went straight to the police station and started talked t the police the police cut her off and said" no worries we already caught them" then Monica walked out and said " Big sis in so sorry they forced me to do all that stuff then i turnt them in and it's all over now. Lucy was releived.

About a year after all of this happend Danny and lucy tied the knot and got married and have 4 kids still to this day Lucy wonders what would have happend if she never dated Eric

                                                                            The End or not

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2020 ⏰

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