Author's Message

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Okay,so I wasn't planning to publish this message but since I have a lot of dms and I am flooded by it, unfortunately I cannot reply to all of you that's why I changed my mind and published this message for you guys.

First of all,thank you so much for loving and supporting me and my books and fyi my boragays,we are already at the climax of the book.
Learn to trust your author.I write my books the way I wanted it so please respect that.I know most of you guys are getting impatient with the updates but please remember that I also have a personal life.I don't rush things and I don't want to be rude but honestly, please don't dictate authors on what to write next or what we should do because we know our own plot and as for me,I am very much aware of how my plot and my story will lead to.I am not mad,I'm just sharing my thoughts with you guys.😘

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