Chapter 4 Thanksgiving Party

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Nagito Komaeda Pov: me and Naib we are in my room and we are cuddling each other. Mikan said Nagito and Naib dinner is ready. I said we will be down there in 2 minutes. Mikan said got it and we stop cuddling and we got up. We went down the stairs and we saw the food and we went to the table and all of us sit down in the chairs. We said our praise for the food and we took some of the food and we ate the food. I said thanks everyone for dinner and they said your welcome Nagito Komaeda and Naib. Me and Naib we got up and we left the room and we are in my room and we sit down on my bed and we lay down and Naib wrapped his arms around my waist and i wrapped my arms around his neck. I kissed him and he kissed me back and we pulled away from the kiss. I said Naib i love you and he said Nagito i love you two and thanks for cuddling me and i said your welcome and it is night time and the moon is red and the red moonlight is shining on me and Naib. I said Naib your are so cute and nice to hang out with and he said Nagito you are fun and sweet to hang out with and i will always love you and i said Naib i will always love you two. I smiled at him and he smiled at me and i said good night Naib and he said good night Nagito Komaeda and we both closed our eye's and we do look cute together and Naib is nice and kind. While I'm sweet and fun
Tell me how this story is and i will make a part 5 and i didn't know that Nagito was Naib skin but this is the Anime version of Danganronpa x Identity v so don't judge me for my ship and i wish everyone luck to try to get the act 2 skin's for Danganronpa act 2.

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