Chapter 1: The Suggestion

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Tails and Knuckles were on their way back to their homes after their successful thwarting of Eggman. As they walk along the same path, they realize something; they don't really get much bonding time without Sonic. So they thought about it for a second.

"Hey Tails, wanna go do something together, it'd be nice to not have to compete with Sonic for something." 

"Oh, what do you wanna do, Knuckles? Hit things? It's not really my style, Knuckles."

"Well, we don't HAVE to do something combat heavy. We can do something simple, like... like.... PARASAILING!"

Tails paused, that seemed like a really stupid idea. However, he didn't really want to hurt Knuckle's feelings, so he decided to go with  Knuckle's plan.

"Sure, we can go tomorrow morning."

Tails and Knuckles Go ParasailingWhere stories live. Discover now