Chapter 3: Encounter

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At the moment, Lynn Sr. was driving straight towards Lincoln school. After hearing of what had just taken place there, he worried that Lincoln may have been in danger. Upon reaching the school, Lynn Sr. saw many kids already outside the building, police, parents and teachers were all out as well. Lynn Sr. could see his son being interviewed by a police officer and wasted no time rushing towards...

Lynn Sr.:"Lincoln!"


The two had then embraced each other in a hug while the officer gave the two their space...

Lynn Sr.:"What happened?! Are you okay?!"

Lincoln:"I'm fine, dad. Really. But I'm not even sure what's going on myself. It all just happened so quickly."

Officer:"Sir, I'm Officer Weisse. Normally, I wouldn't spoil the moment for you two, but I feel the need to tell you what we've gathered so far on this."

Lynn Sr.:"Alright then, go on."

Weisse:"From what we got from the kids and one teacher, they say they saw angels coming down from the sky and and smashing through the ceiling. And your boy hear says they were coming...for him."

Lynn Sr.:"...What?"

Weisse:"Now normally, I don't believe in that kind of stuff, but it would be enough to explain the craters we found in the back of the school."

Mr. Loud thought about this for a second, looking back at his son and then the officer...

Lynn Sr.:"...Thanks for the information, Officer Weisse. If it's all the same to you, I'd think it'd be best if I take my son."

Weisse:"I would recommend it. Judging by the damage caused by the school, they're probably gonna have to close this place down for a weak."

Not saying anything else, Lynn Sr. takes Lincoln to the van and they speedily headed straight home. Lynn Sr. didn't say a word during that time and neither did Lincoln, who was still freaked out about what just happened. When they finally got home, Lincoln headed upstairs and locked himself in his room, not wanting to talk to anybody or do anything right now, he just lost himself in his train of thought. Lynn Sr. tried to stop him, but then figured that he needed some time to himself, something he could use himself right about now. After a little while, Rita and the girls came home to find Mr. Loud sitting on the couch, hands together, deep in thought...

Rita:"Lynn, honey, are you okay?"

Lori:"We heard about what happened in Lincoln's school? Is he okay?"

Lynn Sr.:"He's fine, he's just...locked in his room."

Lori:"What? Why would you leave him locked in his room?"

Lynn Sr.:"I just thought he needed some time to himself. I waited until all of you came home so that we can talk about this."

Rita:"Could one of you go get Lincoln?"

Luna:"I'll get him."

As Luna headed up the stairs, Lynn Sr. said to his wife that what happened earlier today was "more or less, an act of God". Luna saw that the door to Lincoln's room was locked, so she knocked and yet, no one answered...

Luna:"Lincoln? You in, bro?"

Lincoln:"...Not right now, Luna."

Luna:"Lincoln, we need you to come down. Please, just open the door."

The door slowly creaked open and only a little bit of Lincoln can be seen picking out."

Lincoln:"I really don't want to talk about what happened today, Luna."

Lincoln Loud: Son of AngelsWhere stories live. Discover now