Worlds Collide

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The year was 2021. The PlayStation 5 had progressed as issues were found and being solved. I had gathered the money I needed to purchase the console. I had brought it home with me. I live alone, 19 years old. No girlfriend. My job wasn't all that well paying, but it did fine. Sitting at home on the wonderful PS5, there was a popular game called "Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2", I felt like playing it.

I had not paid any attention to the dark clouds looming over the town. When I did notice them, I was not surprised. The weather read that there was going to be a light storm. Nothing major, it'd pass in about an hour at most. That was 12:36 p.m. I was getting a little sleepy, decided it was time for a bed. When I looked at the time, it read 4:13. Thunder roared and rain poured. It confused me.

Zaq/Me-"Wasn't it supposed to be an hour? Why is it still going? And, is it getting harder?" Constant flashing and loud pounding at the window. Suddenly, an alert startled me. It came from my phone. On the coffee table in the middle of the living room, the screen flashed alongside the lightning. I picked it up, it read as follows, "ALERT! A LARGE DARK TORNADO HAS BEEN SPOTTED! REMAIN INDOORS AND IN A BASEMENT OR IN A SAFE LOCATION UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE!" The message played aloud non-stop. I did not have a basement. Out the window, I saw the tornado speeding towards me.

Zaq-"OH CRAP! I'm about to die! That thing looks like it'll tear through anything!" I knew that a basement wouldn't help anyway, it was tearing through everything! When it finally reached me, wind and debris powered through my walls and destroyed almost everything. With my arms covering my face, I felt cushioning on my bottom. The wind blew hard and my TV and couch stood glued to their original spot. I felt up the couch confused. The TV screen glowed, getting brighter by the second. Before long, everything was normal again. The TV kept glowing and I had looked around. No damages, around me or in the neighborhood. I checked the weather on my phone and it said 4:15, clear skies today. I placed my hand on my head and spoke to myself,

Zaq-"What just happened? Did I played Xenoverse too long or something? Did I fall asleep?" I glared at the bright blank TV. The PS5 light flickered a rainbow color, then flashed red and white. Walking up to the TV setup, I stared into the white screen intensely. I could hear something, was that... wind? Oh great, now there's a storm IN my TV. Wait, why is a wind coming from my television. I could feel a breeze. The screen began to make little ripples. Out of nowhere, a hand reached out and almost grabbed me. I fell back and tripped over my table falling on my butt. Out came a woman with black hair that fell to the middle of her back. She wore an outfit that resembled the pilot suit in Xenoverse. She had sharp eyes and stood about my height, almost 5'11. Her thick hair laid down as it spiked out a little. Towering over me while I sat and stared in awe, we made eye contact. Her sharp eyes widened and brightened up. I get up and feel the warm embrace, and large melons pressed against my chest. She smiled and giggled. I look at this random cartoonish female and ask,

Zaq-"Wh- who are you?"She jumps back with a smile responding,

Avaca-"You know me! It's me, Avaca. And you are Player!" Avaca was the name of one of my Saiyan characters in the game. Did she come to life? Avaca the Saiyan looked around.

Zaq-"Player? Hold on, I have some questions. First off, my name is Zaq and how did you even know about me?"

Avaca-"I've always had this weird sense that I was in a game. It was crazy! When I realized I was getting stronger, I knew it wasn't just me doing it, I knew that there was someone always watching my growth and helping out!"

Zaq-"So AI really is becoming self-aware. Do you know what's going on right now? How did you get here?"

Avaca-"Well, I can't really say though I recall a tornado-"

Zaq-"Hey! Me too! Everything was going all crazy-like before you got here." Avaca looked surprised.

Avaca-"Wow, that is crazy." This was all too messed up. An actual anime character stands in front of me. One of MY OC! The TV was still white and a light breeze still flows through.

Zaq-"Oh! Well, I'm a little surprised by all this. Even more that I ain't freaking out. Would you like something to drink? I've got various juices. Hehe." Avaca clasps her hands together.

Avaca-"That'd be great! Thanks! Anything will do."

Zaq-"Then please, make yourself at home for now." Making my way to the kitchen then to the fridge, I go over everything that happened in my head. It was all too wacky and I am just inviting her to sit and have some juice? What the hell? A new world and Avaca came out of it. She's beautiful and surprisingly mannered, unlike some Saiyans.

Zaq-"Well, beautiful might be a bit of an understatement, heh...." I come from the kitchen, with a couple of cups of apple juice, to find Avaca poking the TV. Her finger went through creating ripples every time.

Zaq-"Hey, I've got the drinks." After sitting down, it became silent. Avaca seemed anxious, or impatient? It was hard to tell. She's an odd one alright. The normal Saiyans are always eating, training, fighting, and they're always so prideful. Is Avaca unique, or is she just being different from her normal self? With all of my questions forgotten, we sat in silence.



The wall clock ticks away. My normal day made a major 180 and I have no idea why who, or what did this. Avaca is in the same situation. I am sure she is curious, too. Dragon Ball in real life. Is there more? Other animes, cartoons that can come to life?

Avaca-"Hey, if my whole life was fake and yours is real, what does that make me to you now?" That caught me off guard. What kind of question is that? A good one, but an easy one. I've lived a life where anime was amazing and weird, but they had lessons that taught me good things.

Zaq-"Well... Look at it this way, you came from a fake world to the real one. The fact that our worlds somehow linked together makes you real now. Actually, the moment you realized that you were fake made you real. Or I suppose that's just my opinion. If that makes sense." Avaca smiled.

Avaca-"I guess that's true."

Zaq-"Hey, if you got anything to talk about you can talk with me. I promise you can get comfortable around me. It might do us good to get to know each other."

Avaca-"Ah, that's good. Cause I'm kinda hungry! Hehehe" There it is, a Saiyan I can recognize. Actually feels a lot better. Suddenly, Avaca leans on me.

Avaca-"You may not realize it, but you help me through some tough fights. You have my thanks for that, Zaq."

Zaq-"Your welcome, I'm glad I did something, Avaca." Despite all this, questions need answering and Avaca won't have any. Then who?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2021 ⏰

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