Coo Coo For Cupcakes

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It was a normal beginning of a normal day for Albert the pig. He woke up drooling over cupcakes. He jumped out of bed, grabbed his teacup hat and ran out, forgetting his wallet. He ran right out the door pushing other pigs a side and ran across an intersection. Everypig on the other side of the street moved out of the way after seeing the pile of pushed pigs on the sidewalk. Albert ran on for blocks with crazy eyes and a trail of drool.

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Albert slowly pushed open the glass door of the bakery with his face, eyes wide, toung out. There was a new pig today and he had been worned about Albert. The new pig ran in the back ignoring the rest of the costomers. Albert cut through the line and ate all the cupcakes in a matter of seconds.

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"GET ON DA GROUND!!!" screamed Albert to the bank pig. OH yeah by the way he's a robber XD "OK OK!" squealed the bank pig. She began to put money in the bag Albert was holding out. There was a squeal from a skinny pig in the corner. Albert shot a creepy crazy eye face at him. Idk why. But the out of nowhere the doors of the bank burst open and.... "PUT YO WHATEVER WE CALL THESE IN THE AIR!!!" Said a policepig holding up what are hand would be if we were pigs. Albert bust out laughing at the policepig not knowing what hooves were. "HAHAHAHA IM DEAD" he yelled rolling on his back. "That's it. You're coming with me," said the policepig.

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