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It's September now, and Jasmine broke up with me. She said and I quote "I'm losing feelings for you". Honestly I was surprised, not really, cause honestly I was too. The way things were going i'm surprised we lasted as long as we did. I mean it's not that I don't care about her but more like I don't want to care for her in that way, and if your a person who has experience in relationships I think you know what I mean. Okay, so some time passes by and I don't hear a word from Jasmine, Magali, or anyone at that. I was too busy with Cross Country to even care, but one day out of nowhere I get a text. It's from Magali and it asked if I wanted to hangout. Me being the doofus that I am, I get all happy and say sure. I asked her if she wanted to get some IceCream and she said to meet her at the IceCream shop by the skatepark with the blue roof. Very Descriptive don't ya think. Well I say "Okay, I'll see you there" but then I realized something...WHAT ICE-CREAM SHOP!!! There are countless IceCream shops in the city and at least four of them have blue roofs and heres the kicker, they're all within a block of the skatepark... "IM AN IDIOT" was literally the only thing going through my head at the time, but I got myself into this so I had to get myself out (without looking like an idiot) i was on my way to the skatepark and i needed to decide which one to go to first when out of nowhere a little boy decides to get in front of me and my skateboard. So like the nice person I am i decide to fall to the side and save the kid. Luckily there was grass. So I get up and he's just staring at me. So I start walking and he gets in front of me, AGAIN. Now I know he could tell that I was in a hurry, but he would not move out of the way. Then he did something that saved me so much time its not even funny. He pointed across the street and there on the other side theres a shop. One that I never even knew existed, and this shop had a blue roof. Now, in this shop, sitting in a chair was the most beautiful girl Iv'e ever seen, and she was waiting for me. I don't know if it was luck or fate but if it wasn't for that kid getting in my way that day I would have probably never found that shop. So she see's me and she waves, so i wave back and then the little boy just decides to run. I didn't even get a chance to thank him.

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