Story Three: Candy Cane Kiss, Epilogue

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 Copyright of KalMoss. All rights reserved.

Six years later.

Ann sat in the perfect comfortable position on her brand new couch, head resting blissfully on Jayce’s shoulder as the two of them looked proudly around their new home.

  Ann sighed contently as she rested one hand on the growing bulge that was currently her stomach.

  She was twenty-seven weeks along today and felt surprisingly cheerful; she smiled up at Jayce before kissing him softly.

  When he pulled away he grinned down at her, “Well, that’s everything, all the boxes have been unpacked, all the paintings hung and all the furniture put in place,” He kissed her lips swiftly, “So what do you want to do now?”

  She’d barely opened her mouth to respond before he was kissing her passionately again, she laughed pulling away, “Charlotte will be home with Ivy soon…”

  He’d began to kiss down her neck and muttered a brief “So?” against her skin.

  She giggled making a poor attempt to pull away, “So, you don’t want your three year old daughter and her godmother walking in on us!”

  “Why not? It’s not like Charlotte’s never seen anyone kiss before,” he chuckled against her skin at the prospect before continuing, “Besides, isn’t it a good thing for our daughter to know that her parents love each other very dearly?”

  Ann shook her head at her husband’s stubbornness, “Well fine then, how about the fact that I’m pregnant, my giant stomach is hardly attractive-” Jayce snorted but Ann ignored him, “And I’m suffering from a variety of aches throughout my body!” she huffed then added under her breath, “How can you even find me attractive with all my swelling and mood swings?”

  Jayce chuckled then turned her chin so her face was facing him, “Sweetheart, who says I find you attractive?”

  Ann gasped hitting his arm and then frowned as he began to shake with laughter; she huffed as she heaved herself up off the couch “Well fine then. Guess that settles that.”

  Jayce grabbed her arm, “Oh come on honey, you know I was only joking! I still find you attractive because I love you!”

  She couldn’t help but smile as she sat down and snuggled back into his embrace, “Really?”

  “Yes really.” He said kissing her head, “I can’t believe you took that so seriously.”

  Ann rolled her eyes, “Come on Jayce, you should know not to joke around with a pregnant woman, didn’t you learn anything the first time around?” She laughed lightly.

  “Oh, come now honey, you know that was three years ago and besides you’re a lot…’nicer’ this time.”

  Ann looked at him, eyes wide with  mock surprise and insult before she laughed, “Oh Jayce, I’ve been married to you for five years now and you still don’t know when to shut up.”

  Jayce, somewhat relieved, laughed with her just as the door opened downstairs and Charlotte’s voice echoed up from downstairs yelling a loud “We’re home!”

Jayce helped Ann up from the couch and down the stairs tenderly, when Ivy saw them she squealed with delight as she ran into her daddy’s loving arms.

  Ann waddled over to Charlotte to thank her for looking after Ivy for the day as they unpacked the remaining boxes. However, Ivy interrupted halfway through her thanks as she demanded a cuddle from her mother; Ann began to bend down when Jayce stopped her.

  Picking up Ivy he held her so that she could reach out and wrap her tiny arms around Ann’s neck. Ivy began to babble excitedly about what she and Charlotte had done that day, her long brown hair bouncing as she talked, delight twinkling in her wide chocolate brown eyes. Ann smiled joyfully back at her daughter as it dawned on her how truly lucky she was.

Ann Jessica Hampton had found her happy ending.


Well guys, there it is! The last 'part' of Candy Cane Kiss! 

Sorry it's short and that it's taken me a long time to update, but I've been busy not only with life but also with planning my new story. I'm really getting into the idea and I think you'll enjoy it if you enjoyed Candy Cane Kiss. I'll hopefully be posting it soon, but I'll post the first three chapters up straight away...maybe more :) and that will probably take a while to write. I might flick through my old short stories and post some to entertain you while I write my new story...I suppose we'll see :D

Thanks again for reading this story, whether you've only just read the whole thing now or if you've been reading it all through the posting process. You are all amazing and I can't thank you enough for reading my story. Hope you liked it and if there are any questions you have about Ann and Jayce's future than feel free to post them below!

Thankyou again, everyone, for your support! I hope you've enjoyed reading Candy Cane Kiss as much as I've enjoyed writing it!

Kal Moss xx :)

P.S The song to the side was the song I listened to while writing this, the lyrics have nothing to do with the story but the song is happy haha :P

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2013 ⏰

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