Chapter Twelve

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"I don't suppose we could talk this out over a couple drinks?" Spider-Man said, slowly backing away from the army before him. The Kang robot reached behind itself and pulled a massive energy cannon out of a purple portal. The Thor clone spun its hammer in its hand before silently throwing itself forward and swinging the hammer down, making to squash the spider.

"Really? Not even a 'For Doom!' or something?" Spider-Man said as he flipped away, trying to put some distance between himself and Doom's forces. "At least the real Thor knows who he's fighting for!" He swung back into the half of the room that appeared to be more scrapyard, dodging shots from the hundreds of robots chasing him. The giant Doom head was following his movements, and he had to be sure to keep the glowing green eye where it couldn't see him. The specialized robots were following, but they looked sluggish. It had evidently been some time since they had been activated. Doom had most likely completed his upgrades, then left them alone until they were needed.

At the moment, it was about the only advantage Peter could think of.

He didn't even want to imagine how this fight would be going differently if he hadn't gotten rid of the Spider-Slayer so quickly. Though he certainly hadn't been planning to fight Thor today.

OK, Pete, let's think. It's not really Thor, it's a cyborg clone. That means the hammer isn't legit, and the electricity it generates has to come from within itself. Battery powered. Could be a couple of gigajoules in there, but still, a limit. He dodged as his Spider-Sense warned him of an incoming blast from "Kang's" shoulder cannon. As for this one, it looks like it can't time travel itself, but it can pull weapons out of time, just like Kang does. Hmmm… might have to save him for last. If I can get him to pull the right thing…

His thoughts were interrupted as "Thor" caught him in the chest with its hammer, slamming him into the wall. The stones crumbled away as the weapon flew back to its master, who floated silently in front of Spider-Man. "You know, quiet Thor is creepy Thor," Spider-Man said, gripping the sides of the hole and flipping himself onto the wall. In response, the clone raised its hammer and fired electricity at the wall crawler, who was forced to leap down into the sea of Doombots waiting on the floor.

"Man, I gotta tell you, this is the worst sausage fest I've ever seen," he said, smashing two robots' heads together. "And I've been to parties with Johnny Storm." Webbing the two robots together, he started swinging them around his head, careening them into more of their comrades. I guess the lucky thing is, there's so many of them, they keep getting in each other's way. They don't have any room to shoot, so they're just trying to beat me down. The robot flail cleared him a small section of floor, just enough for "Ultron" to fly overhead and try to fry him with its chest laser. He leapt up and punched the robot in the face, only to feel his knuckles pop against the adamantium shell.

Rather than fall, Spider-Man stuck to the robot's head and flipped onto its back, wrapped his arms around it in a full Nelson, and, with a cry, pushed down with all his strength. The chest laser continued firing, but Spider-Man was now in control of its destination. Doombots roasted on the ground, and he managed to pull the beam onto the Sentinel remains before "Kang" collided with him, knocking him off. The robot landed several punches to Spider-Man's face as they fell, cracking the left lens of his mask. "Hey, chump change, you know what you can't do that I can't do either?" Spider-Man said, flipping onto the robot's back, pulling on its wrists and shoving his feet down. "Fly."

They crashed to the ground, Spider-Man riding the robot down like a skateboard. A large gash scraped through the floor, but Peter didn't waste any time waiting to see if he'd finished the Kang-bot or not. He flipped off during the slide and bounced off the wall, swinging back toward the tubes.

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