Rant 1

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Hello readers and writers! 

I am an on and off writer, sorry about that.  Many things happened in life that robbed away the ideas and passion I have for writing. 😢

The year end is approaching, Christmas is just 20 days away, and so is my birthday too ❤️ (Yeah, I was born on Christmas day). 

To those who knew me personally, I do draw as well, but I am still very very very amateur in art. However I do enjoy drawing as much as I love writing. 

At the moment, I will just leave my characters 'hanging' with incomplete descriptions while I am working on characters' profile including their pictures. I will include them in between as this story progresses. 

I dislike the idea of using someone else's art, or pictures as they are subject to copyright claims and issues, and I don't want that to happen to me 😔

To me, it is okay to be an amateur in anything, but one can't steal other people's property in any kind of shape. Even though this issue can be solved by crediting the owner, it is still doesn't sit well to me. 

In short 

I like and love original things and originality. ☺️

In summary, please stay tuned as I am now in WIP for the characters and their profiles. 

That's all from me. 

Ciao!! 💕 

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