The One Shot Bag

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*Author pops out of nowhere in the silliest Hermes costume to ever exist*

Hello my lovely cats and queens, welcome back to my chan—

Oh wait. Wrong scroll.

*takes out the right scroll after exploring the entire bag*

Hello, my bitches! How is life going?

Well, if it's going good, congratulations. I'm here to ruin it.

If it's going bad, then also congratulations because it cannot possibly be worse than this peice of shit.

So as you all know I have a lot of shit going through my mind. I mean I have more shit in my mind than I have neurons!

*Audience laughs, not because the joke was not good but because how sill it was but author being dumb doesn't take the hint*


So instead of writing them all into books, which I would've gladly done if I wasn't so lazy, I will write them down here.

They would crazy, stupid one shots.

And their would be a bag full of them.

Thus presenting to you,


*Audience groans in pain knowing how this stupid girl is making this world more shitty than it already is*

I hope you all love it.

*Bows down and tries to run Hermes style but ends up tripping over the winged shoes*

I guess we all can't be perfect, you know...

*Author's personality no.2 comes in*

Of course we aren't

*Picks personality no.1 and leaves*


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