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What inspired and inspires you to start and keep writing?

The endless possibilities of worlds to create to help my readers escape! And me, too, I love escaping into those worlds. - How long have you been writing? When did you start, how, and why? OOF, some will say I've been crafting stories since I learned how to write, and I'd say that's true. But I didn't start writing seriously until I was 24-25, and because I wanted to write stuff I hadn't previously seen. I'm all about shifting expectations and surprises. And I LOVE providing readers with a means to get away from our current world while traveling through my pages.

- How much of an improvement have you witnessed in your writing abilities from your first time to now?

SO.MUCH. Millions of times better than when I started, for sure, and I continue to learn and grow thanks to my incredible support team and fantastic readers.

- How would you describe your writing process?

I usually start by jotting down ideas if they started clogging up my daily activities :D and then I'll stare at the screen and come up with a plot outline, then chapter outlines, then I write! I usually edit lightly as I go, then once I'm done I leave the document for a few weeks and come back to do a more thorough edit. Sometimes I share the work before that thorough edit, but for some of my novels, I wait until I'm satisfied to post it.

-Do you take inspiration from real world instances and events and incorporate them into your stories? If so, how?

I *lightly* inspire myself from real world instances, mainly myths and legends (Greek gods & ghosts, for example). And for my Historical Fiction/Fantast, I definitely drew from real historical facts and tied them into my made-up country to tether them to reality a little.

- If you were to inspire someone to start writing, what reasons would you tell them?

Why should they start writing and how has it helped you? Oh gosh, I actually do this on a daily basis. I have so many friends who tell me they've crafted stories in their minds or have tales to tell, and I ALWAYS encourage them to write them down. Even if it looks like gibberish and doesn't make sense, putting them on paper/on a screen helps them take form. Personally, writing has gotten me through depression and anxiety, heartbreaks, losses, fears, stress... everything. I write no matter what kind of mood I'm in and always see my life as improved thanks to it.

- What advice would you give to anyone who wants to be a writer?

READ. A LOT. And then... well, write! Even if all your thoughts are in the wrong order and even if it doesn't make sense, let it all out and let your creative juices flow. There are so, so many stories to tell and so many people with wonderful imaginations, it's a shame to keep it all bottled up! Don't worry about grammar or spelling or plot holes, just WRITE. There's always time to go back and fix things.

- Describe your struggles with writers block and unproductive writings-how do you deal with them?

I'm actually one of the rare few who *doesn't* get writer's block! I'm always filled with ideas, and as soon as I stare at the screen I can usually get going. What I do to avoid and blockages or problems with productivity is that I plan ahead; my plot, my chapters, everything. So that when it's time to write, I just have to look at my outline, and the words just flow out!

- What do you like about your writing process and what do you dislike about it?

I love the organization, I dislike the lengthy process.

- What writers do you admire and why?

George R R Martin is who I get most of my inspiration from. I also enjoy Suzanne Collins (Hunger Games) and Anna Godbersen (the LUXE series) and Nicholas Sparks. I'm about to start reading Diana Gabaldon's novels (SUPER EXCITED) and also Andrzej Sapkowski's The Witcher books. But George is really the one whose writings inspired me to pursue my dreams. His descriptions are marvellous.

- How do you learn more about improving your writing? Which sources do you use, if any?

I learn from other writers and reading their work. And from my readers, when they point out inconsistencies or spelling errors. I feel like the more you read, the more you learn and take notes and retain things. Also, editing apps are helpful! I use Hemingway (free to use the online version) and ProWriting Aid (paid) that have helped me find my bad habits and fix them! - There is a constant need to have what you've written to be perfect. Do you struggle with this? I believe ALL writers do. I'm definitely a perfectionist, so I struggle with this but I use it to truly polish my work and always strive for better!

- How do you feel on re-reading your previous works?


- Everyone wants more reads on their Wattpad books. What thoughts would you like to convey to them?

PATIENCE. I mean it. It took me YEARS to develop readership and develop a network of fans (and I'm honestly not even close to done). Update regularly, and if you start something, FINISH IT. Readers dislike unfinished novels and you'll keep them coming back for more if you're consistent.

-How does being a Wattpad Star writer feel?

It's pretty incredible. The visibility across the platform when you have that little star by your name is incredible, it's helped me a lot. I feel I've reached more people and I hope to continue to do so.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2020 ⏰

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