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She was music

She was the sound the cold wind would make saying ‘hello, did you miss me?’ on cloudy mornings
She was the soft playing of the guitar

The laugh of the children running unworried about the problems of life, because they didn't have any

She was the rain
She was the little dropped tears falling down the window at midnight

The thunderstorms that scared her when she was alone

The evil lightning on the sky

She was the letters

Every each one she ever wrote
Every word plastered on the paper

And the meaning behind it too

She was the pain and the smile of each story

She was all this and a little bit more

The feeling of a warmer heart when kids smiled

The sound of thunderstorms she so claimed to fear but secretly enjoyed listening to it

She was all she repressed on herself
She was everything

And then,
then, she became nothing.

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