Part 4: Questions

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The next morning when I walked into the dining room Sirius was at the head of the table with a look that said I'm concerned but grateful." Hey Padfoot... are you ok." when I said that he jumped a mile. Then he looked at me and replied " ya im.. Good just wondering why my Mother shut up." " Oh that , that was me I talked to her you just have to act like a crazy pureblood supremacist." With that he looked at me like I was some kind of god. It looked like he was about to answer when Rowena and Ginny. Row gave me a sceptical look and asked " you're the one that shut her up aren't you, judging by the way Sirius is looking at you." " yep" is all I replied with. Then it went all mind to speak with the others just looked like we were having a staring competition.( You talked to her without the Glamor didn't you.) ( yes I did and i'm proud of myself)( Salazar do you know how dangerous that was. You could have been seen, You did put up a privacy charm right.) When I didn't answer, the row started to look mad and the madder she looked the more sheapesh I looked. Thankfully Molly and the others came in the room before she could explode on me and give me a splitting headache. After we ate and split off Ginny came up to me and asked me to come to the library with her so we could talk right before we left and sent me a sceptical look to which I just shrugged my shoulders. Which leads to right now." Is it really you, please tell me it is you" " Ginny what are you talking about." With that Ginny took my wand and Cast the deglamour charm on herself and what I saw in front of me made me cry. Ginny Weasley wasn't really Ginny she never was instead of the girl I've thought of as a sister standing in front of me it was my seven year old daughter. Atula Slytherin with her midnight black hair and deep honey eyes. With this new information I wandlessly dropped my glamor and engulfed my Daughter in a hug while also going on the link and telling all 3 that Atula is here and for Rowena to meet me and her in the library. When I was done with that I let go of my Daughter and told her aut row is on her way. When row got there she took one look at Atula and ran and engulfed her in a hug while Crying about how when she died she never experimented on it again. After we finished getting reacquainted with each other it was unfortunately 3 hours past." hey we should put our glamorous on and get out of the library I think the Order meeting ended and it's almost lunchtime." " ya daddy I think we should, one problem I cant do it by myself." "Ok I'll do it Atula " After we all had our glamours on we headed out of the library and right into mad eye. It took me a minute to realize how bad the situation was but by the time I did realize mad eyes and was already trained on us with us having no way to defend we all got knocked out by a stunner.

1 hour later

Atulas POV

When I woke up I was on a little bed that looked like it was in a dungeon and I freaked out a little when I saw dad and Aunt Rowena out on the floor.When I realized what happened I ran over to dad and shook him so hard he was bound to wake up but definitely not without a headache. When he finally woke up he got up pulling me with him while putting me behind him clearly seeing something I didn't.then he woke Aunt Rowena up and passed me over to her

Salazar's POV

I woke up to Atula shaking me awake from the effects of that stunner. It took me a minute to get used to my surroundings and when I finally did I quickly got up pulling Atula up with me and putting her behind me . Then I saw Rowena on the floor and quickly manorverd it so I could still move but also keep Atula behind me and woke Row up. When she was up and moving I transferred Atula over to her so she would be safe and addressed the others in the room. " So this is the famous Black Dungeons. Cold, dark and gloomy. I like it." They took their time to process When they finally did they all looked at me like I was insane. " You're an Idiot you now that right" was the remark that Rowena made. " who are you and why are you glamored like Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ginny Weasley." Was the next thing said by Mad eye. " Look not that I don't want to tell you but this isn't something I want replayed to Dumbledoor and I'm not a threat unless you attack the one glamored as Ginny" The next thing that happened really confused me cause almost every one that was there let out a sigh of relief. " So you don't trust Dumbledore and you're not a threat to us." was the next thing said by Sirius." Well yes Oh and I am Harry Potter..ish" Magonagal spoke next. " What do you mean your Harry Potter ish." " well... How do I say this? I'm a reincarnation of one of the four founders of hogwarts but i'm gonna let you figure out which one." At the same time Sirius Shouted Godric Gryffindor while Remus and Minivera yelled Salazar Slytherin. Which caused me to look at them shocked before saying" How the hell did you know I was Salazar Slytherin I thought you would have been with Sirius on this one." which caused everyone that agreed with Sirius to look like they swallowed a lemon. " No offence Padfoot but he's more Slytherin Than Gryffindor. It's totally obvious that if we actually believed him he would be slytherin." Rowena Piped up that I would take a truth potion so they could Have proof of who we are. While Snape went and got the potion I took off all of our glamour and sat down at the edge of the bed watching the face of shock turn to curiosity as Atula came and buried her face in my shoulder. When the veritasium was administered the questions Began.

What is your full name?

Salazar Aethelu Slytherin and Harry James Potter.

Do you have any living heirs?


Who are those Heirs?

My son and the secondary heir is Tom Marvalo Riddle also known as Lord Voldemort.

Ather the general ring of questions like if I intended to hurt them it got to where they asked who the others were.

They are also Reincarnations.

Who are they then?

Hermione is Rowena Ravenclaw While Ginny is Atula Slytherin, my daughter.

Wait what she is not your daughter she's our daughter. The only thing said that was from Molly Weasley. " do I need to remind you that i'm under Veritasium." Once all the questions were answered that they needed They administered the antiserum and started to talk normally." so are you actually evil or is that just rubbish that was spread down the line" At that remark Row scoffed and replied " of course he's not evil he wouldn't be married to Helga Hufflepuff if he was. He also isn't and preguised git cause guess what Helga is a Muggle born so people got a lot of things wrong." " Wait if two of the founders have been reincarnated and one of their daughters was reincarnated would that mean that the other two founders were reincarnated." " We've been waiting for you to catch on to what we were saying and yes the other two founders were reincarnated." " Wait if they were reincarnated, who were they reincarnated into." " Well, Helga is Luna Lovegood and godric... actually godric is related to you Sirius." " Related to me but there is only one other guy that's related to me.... Oh." When the realization hit him It was like a lightbulb went on and he was rolling on the food laughing so hard he had tears streaming down his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2020 ⏰

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