Chapter Twenty

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“Where?” I asked, tears threatening my eyes. I was beyond frustrated right now.

“UCLA’s semester starts in a couple of weeks and I need to head back.” He explained.

I nodded as if understanding but I didn’t want to. Why couldn’t he just stay here? With me? After everything, did he not want me?

“I’ve thought it over and I think it’s time for us to break up.” 

The tears began. He reached out to wipe some away but I moved, “So, this really was just a summer fling, right? From the beginning of the summer, you attacked Grant’s relationship with me until you had me all to yourself but I’m just another girl you wanted to entertain yourself with for the summer and throw away like trash. You used me, Nick. You knew I had feelings for you and you used that against me. And to think I almost gave me virginity to you…” This outcome wouldn’t have changed if I had. 

Max wrapped his arms around my leg, “Don’t cry, Jackie.”

I wiped my tears, smiling at the only guy that cared about me, “I’m fine, Max. Go play.”

Warily, he headed off to the water.

“Believe me, I had feelings for you but being away from you for three weeks made me realized we aren’t meant to be.” He frowned, “This is hard for me too.”

I shook my head, “No, it’s not. I’m heartbroken. And you just want to swim in that damn water.”

He didn’t reply.

“I guess this is goodbye then.” I muttered, opening the car door.

“Yeah, goodbye Jackie.” He walked off and I tried not to stare after him. I got into the car, closed the door and began to cry. 


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