ᑎIᘜᕼT 2

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So i know nothing interesting happened in night 1 .. and it doesnt really make sense because im not writing this when the killings started to happen, so its not really night one/two.. but im trying to be edgy so we'll just go with it.

I saw yellow in the cafeteria today, i was tempted to walk up to him to have a catch up and ask him what his tasks were .. and to also comment on his lil balloon attached to his head, but i didnt want to be suspicious so i left it. Ever since Orange was killed , sorry... Ever since i killed Orange , Yellow's seemed really depressed . They were like best buds after all. Thats a shame really isnt it, i 'frown' at my bad behaviour.

I was on my way to the upper engine when i noticed yellow and pink together.. alone.. in the security room. Of course , where there were no cameras to catch them.

"Yellow yellow yellow." I said with a tut.

"I- uh- this isnt what it looks like- I- "
look at this idiot. It says it all over his face.

"Thats a bit sad seeing as your boyfriend died.. sorry, was murdered. Decapitated." I said with a smug tone.

"Boyfr- he's not- wasnt my boyfriend! He was just my friend! "

"You cant fool anyone. Everyone could clearly see you two had a lil thing going on, its kinda cute actually.. Its just a shame he was taken away from you, And now youre here banging some knock off version of chris pratt."
I thought that line was pretty good, although.. pink didnt .. which is kinda sad because that literally came out of nowhere and the little bastard didnt even laugh.

"I think i should just go-" Hah , pink looked so fucking awkward , i could just frame his face and look at it for days. And yes, by 'frame' i mean cut it off and stick it on my wall in a nice , laced , photo frame.

"please - dont- " look at this lil weasle. Yellow tried to run after him but me being me, I held him back.

"what're you doing?! "

" youre not going anywhere. "  If im completely honest, i think yellow got the wrong idea when i said ' youre not going anywhere' because he had a look in his eyes that indicated he'd be more than happy to jump on top of me , strip naked and get it on then and there.

"argh! Dont be disgusting. Im not gay" .. Yep i was right , after i said that he looked like a tomato.

"Im not here to have sex with you. Im here to kill you. Atleast that way you can go be with Orange and deal with that embarrassment of explaining to him why you fucked that piece of shit then tried to get on me. Hes probably here right now, im sure he'd be delighted to have it out with you"
I reached towards his neck so i could snap it and- what. Is. Going. On.

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