basic overhall of all his powers/abilities

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the ones in bold are just op to begin with {most of these are from the bfb wiki page}

screech ,zappies , advanced-level reality warp , Gravity manipulation/Gravitokinesis , shape-shifting , size manipulation , brain manipulation, perspective violation , incredible volume , controlling and morphing of clouds , earth bending , malleability , recovery, mutilation , elimination , Inception/Astral projection , super-speed , teleportation , incredible strength , dismemberment , flight , regeneration ,  fire resistance (externally) , thought manipulation , intelligence, airbending , brain scanning , incredible hearing, telekinesis , despawning , manipulation of the laws of physics , reality warping , plane shifting/dimension shifting, power shifting(factor of four), fourth wall breaking(?) , voice shifting(?) , eye shifting(?)

if i have missed any put them as a comment

*____* for bold/ already op

_____ for normal

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