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Shinsou rest his head on his hand, looking down at the writing on his arm.

He shook his head and sighed. The person who wrote in red was always trying to pick a fight with the person who wrote in green.

"Are they still arguing?" Came his Dad's loud voice.

Shinsou nodded.
"When aren't they? Red seems like a dick." He sighed.

Yamada laughed.

"Why don't you ever write to them. Let them know you're there." Aizawa said, walking into the dining room.

Hitoshi sighed.
"Why? They're going to abandon me too when they find out about my quir-"

"Stop saying that." Aizawa growled.

Hitoshi was taken back. Aizawa doesn't snap at him....

"Why should I? It's true. Both of my parents left because of it. Why should I believe anyone else would stick around. I'm surprised you're still here." Hitoshi glared, his anger getting the best of him.

"Hey!" Yamada said, frowning.
"Stop it."

Shinsou rolled his eyes.
"What ever." He stood up, leaving the room.

He slammed his bedroom door shut, blinking the tears away.

He hated when he fought with his foster fathers. But he hated it more when they stuck their nose in his business.

He punched the wall by his bedroom door.

He felt the familiar tingle and looked down at his arm.

It was Blue.
"I can feel your sadness and pain. If you need to talk we are here." Was all it said.

Hitoshi blinked back the tears.

He couldn't let them know he was there. Hopefully they never realised they were part of a four-way bond. Hopefully Blue just thought it was either Red or Green.

He flopped down on his bed as his arm started to tingle again.

'Fucking Deku stop crying.' Red wrote.

Green replied.
'It's not me, Kacchan.'

'Well nobody else is here, are they!' Hitoshi smiled as he felt Red's anger.

'Red is probably angry thinking his soulmate is lying to him.' Hitoshi thought to himself.

'Just go to fucking sleep.' Was written in red.

'It's only eight o'clock...' Blue wrote.

'You shut up and go to sleep too.' Was the last thing written.

Hitoshi sighed. He might as well get some sleep, tomorrow was his first day at his new school. He finally made it into UA.

Their Words Tattooed In His VeinsWhere stories live. Discover now