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"Hi, I'm Negan." the man grinned. Rick was frozen. Completely frozen. 

"Who is this?" Negan looked at Daryl. Rick saw Daryl clench his jaw a little. 

"I'm Daryl." Daryl answered, and Negan grinned, looking him up and down. 

"Nice to meet you Daryl. Are you Rick's right hand man? Simon is my right hand man, and all good leaders have a right hand man!" Negan exclaimed, and Rick nodded.

"Why are you here?" Daryl was speaking for Rick, who had been rendered speechless. It almost looked as if nothing about Negan had changed. He still had that stupid leather jacket, the stupid bat he had, the shit eating grin. His beard had only gotten the slightest bit greyer, but otherwise he was the same as the last day Rick had seen him.

"This is a weekly thing, Daryl! We're here for half your supplies!" Negan responded, and Rick's shoulders slumped a little.

"Negan, come on. You seriously don't remember us?" Glenn exclaimed, and Negan turned to look at him.

"Who are you?" Negan cocked his head, looking at Glenn curiously. Glenn remained silent though, simply staring Negan down.

"Just take what you want." Rick spoke up, and Negan whirled around to look at him.

"You're absolutely right we're taking what we want." Negan smirked, and slung an arm around Rick and Daryl's shoulders. Rick went rigid under him, eyes widening.

"Simon, why don't you take Daryl for a chat. I'm going to talk to our guy Rick here." Negan declared, shoving Daryl towards Simon a little. Negan started to walk away with Rick, but paused.

"Arat!" he called, turning his back to Rick and letting his arm leave Rick's shoulders. A woman stepped forward, a gun in hand. 

"Go make sure we get some cool shit." Negan ordered, and Carol went over to Rick. 

"Get Carl and Judith and bring them to your house. Now." Rick ordered quietly before Carol could say a word. She didn't answer, simply walking away as Negan turned back around. 

"Alright Ricky Grimes, take me on a grand tour!" Negan exclaimed, and Rick nodded. Rick took him around Alexandria, showing him the pantry, the armoury, the gardens. Everything there was to see.

"Rick, why don't you take me to your place?" Negan suggested, and Rick bristled. Take Negan to his house? Thank god he told Carol to take Judith and Carl. He wasn't sure what he'd do if Carl saw Negan, much less Judith. They were both old enough to remember Negan, and seeing him this way would hurt them. Rick couldn't have that. 

"Uh... alright..." Rick muttered, taking a deep breath and leading Negan down the sidewalk. Simon and Daryl were coming from the other way, and Daryl was visibly uncomfortable as Simon talked animatedly. 

"Boss! Rick! Hey!" Simon greeted, and grabbed Daryl's arm, hurrying down the sidewalk with a reluctant Daryl.

"Hey Simon! Daryl take you on a tour of the place?" Negan inquired, and Simon nodded, smiling.

"Yeah, I did most of the talking though" Simon chuckled, and Daryl met Rick's gaze. Slipping out from under Negan's arm, Rick pulled Daryl to his side. Negan saw that though, and looked at them.

"What, you don't like our company?" Negan demanded, and Rick felt his muscles tense.

"I think it's best you leave, Negan." Rick challenged him, and Negan's eyes flickered with excitement, a smirk growing yet again on his face. He turned towards Rick, and Rick instinctively pushed Daryl behind him a little, trying to protect him. 

"Are you trying to be bold, Ricky?" Negan questioned, and Rick glared at him. It hurt, it hurt him so bad to see what Negan had become. It hurt him more than he ever thought something could hurt. 

"I think you need to leave." Rick retorted, keeping his voice steady. Negan neared him, and they were barely two inches apart when Negan stopped, his bat dangerously close to him.

"I don't think you like me, Rick." Negan commented, looking at Rick with a broad smile. 

"What makes you think that?" Rick inquired, deciding to play Negan's little game.

"You've been so tense since I got here. And I can tell you just want me to leave so you can be alone. What, you wanna jerk off or something? Cause I can help you in that department if you really want." Negan licked his lips, and Rick flushed bright red. Christ, Negan was still a flirt. How had he not seen that coming. 

"No. I want you to leave." Rick surprisingly stood his ground, and he felt Daryl watching them warily. Simon was watching too, his arms crossed and an amused smirk playing on his lips. 

"Negan!" the woman from earlier - Arat - called his name, approaching the group of four. Rick felt like he could finally breathe again when Negan stepped away, looking at her.

"Arat, are we good to go?" Negan asked, and she nodded.

"We're just waiting on you and Simon." she responded. Negan nodded, turning to Simon.

"Start heading over to to trucks. I'll be right there." Negan instructed, and Simon nodded.

"Bye Daryl!" Simon called, waving as he walked away. Negan turned his attention back to Rick.

"To be continued, Rick Grimes." Negan almost growled, and it sent a shiver up Rick's spine. With that, Negan left, walking back to his trucks and leaving Rick reeling in old memories.

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