Happy Again

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Rick held Negan close, running his fingers through his hair. Negan wrapped his arms around him pressing his face to Rick's bare chest. Rick pulled the blanket a little further up, covering Negan more.

"You alright?" Rick asked quietly, and Negan nodded. 

"I'm alright." Negan nodded. That had been something Rick had done repeatedly, asking if Negan was okay, if he was comfortable with what was happening Negan's answer was always yes. Rick was just happy to feel Negan under him again, to kiss him, touch him. 

"I missed you... so much, Negan..." Rick whispered, and Negan closed his eyes, shifting closer to Rick. Rick kissed his head, and Negan smiled.

"I missed you too Rick. All of you." Negan replied.

"What happened to you Negan?" Rick asked. It was a question he was dying to know, bothering him for ages. Negan played with Rick's fingers, quiet. 

"I don't remember much. I woke up here, in this bed. Simon was sitting beside me, reading a book. I scared the shit out of him." Negan chuckled.

"When I woke up, I was very disoriented. It was super confusing.. I didn't know who I was, where I came from, where I was." Negan's voice got quieter, and he seemed to shrink down. Rick kept his arm wrapped tightly around Negan. 

"I'm sorry I wasn't there, Negan..." Rick rested his chin on Negan's hair.

"It's not your fault." Negan replied, and Rick frowned a little.

"I'm glad they found you. Seriously." Rick said quietly. 

"I am too." Negan admitted. 

"How about you? What's happened to you?" Negan asked shifting so he could look at Rick. 

"Well... lot of people died.. Daryl, Carol, Glenn, Carl, Judith and I are the only ones left." Rick replied. Negan sat up a little, looking at him with wide eyes. 

"You're joking." Negan said lowly, and Rick shook his head. 

"It all happened so fast.." Rick stopped himself, looking at Negan. Negan was quiet, clearly processing everything he'd been told.

"I'm sorry... I wasn't there Rick... I should've been..." Negan mumbled, and Rick shook his head a little.

"Don't do that Negan. What happened isn't your fault. It never will be." Rick cupped his face again, and Negan sighed, shifting his chin out of Rick's hand. Rick frowned, grabbing his face again.

"Negan. It isn't your fault." Rick repeated, and Negan was quiet.

"I feel like shit... I didn't remember you, I didn't remember anything. I hurt you, Rick." Negan sat up, away from Rick, and Rick sat up as well, reaching for Negan.

"Negan, you didn't hurt me. You could never hurt me. It isn't your fault that you lost your memory, everything that happened. It was never your fault." Rick grabbed his chin, pulling him closer. This time, Negan seemed to melt into his touch this time, closing his eyes and shifting closer to him. Rick gently put his arms around Negan, kissing his neck gently. 

"I need you to say it, Negan." Rick gently lowered him down into the pillows, and Negan watched him. Rick put a hand around Negan's waist, kissing him once more. He couldn't get enough of it. 

"Say what?" Negan asked quietly.

"Say that it isn't your fault. Because it's not." Rick insisted, and Negan was quiet. 

"Can we just drop it?" Negan sat up, but this time Rick got on top of him, straddling him and pinning his wrists above his head. Negan was still, his breath hitching when Rick leaned down.

"Say it Negan." Rick said, and Negan sighed. 

"It's not my fault." Negan muttered, and Rick nodded, letting go of his wrists and getting off of him. 

"Right." Rick mumbled, kissing him once again. Rick was quiet after that, happy to run his fingers through Negan's dark hair. Negan gradually fell asleep, and Rick did as well. Happy, again, finally. 

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