Chapter 7 The Blue Spirit

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Aang glanced at Toph and Sokka.

"Katara and I will go find Toril and bring her back. You two stay here in case something else happens." Sokka nodded.

"Good luck." He said, giving Katara a hug.

"I'm going too." Everyone looked up to see Zuko walking towards them, dressed in an all black attire, swords resting in his scabbard.

"What happened to you resting?" Sokka asked, an eyebrow raised.

"Since when have I been known for listening?" Zuko responded, tightening the strap that held his swords to his back.

"No, Sokka's right, Zuko. Let us handle this." Aang stated calmly.

"No, you listen. It's my fault they took her and I am not letting anything get in my way to get my cousin back, so if you want to stop me, you're going to have to do it by force, Aang."

"I'm not going to fight you."

"Want me to do it?" Toph offered. Aang shot her a look.

"You're not helping."

"Did I say I was here to help, Twinkle Toes?" Aang looked at Toph for a moment before turning back to Zuko.

"No one's going to fight you."

"Glad we've settled on something." Zuko replied, climbing into Appa's saddle.

"You got your bending back yet?" Toph questioned.

"No." Zuko responded.

"Then how do you expect to fight?"

"What do you think my swords are for? If I can't save Toril as Firelord, there's only one other way I can do it. It's time for the Blue Spirit to return." Aang nodded.

He and Katara both got onto Appa, Aang settling on the bison's head.

"We'll be back as soon as we can." He said before taking to reins. "Yip yip." Appa growled and took to the sky.

After a few minutes of flying, Zuko noticed Aang looking at him with a strange expression.


"Nothing, I'm... I'm just thinking about what you said earlier, about the Blue Spirit."

"Don't worry, it's not going to send me down a dark path or anything."

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