Ch.8 "True Loves Kiss"

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The group fought but they weren't doing well. Onimus watched his men die one by one. He looked up every time the dragon swooped down. Orion looked off to the sides and saw Megatron. "Belladonna look!" The dragon looked over. Megatron wasn't doing so good. He was able to fight but Overlord was way to powerful. "We need to help him." Orion said. Belladonna roared and swooped down. Overlord jumped when the dragon came by. They picked up Megatron and headed back into the sky. Megatron groaned and sat up. "Are you ok?" Orion asked. Megatron nodded and rubbed his arm, "Yea."

Belladonna took them around flying in a circle. "Overlord's going toward the king." She said. Megatron grabbed his bow and jumped off. Orion reached down not wanting him to go. Megatron pulled back his bow and shot two arrows. One placing itself in Overlord's foot the other hitting him behind the neck. Belladonna landed and let Orion down. The prince ran up to Megatron's side and looked at Overlord. His henchmen tried to get up but they were badly wounded. Belladonna walked over and stood between the wizard and the king. "I thought you'd use it for good." Belladonna said. Overlord chuckled and looked at the dragon. "I am using it for good. My good."

Belladonna snapped at Overlord and snarled, stomping her talon down. "You have no good!" She said. Overlord looked back and started laughing. "What are you laughing at?" Onimus asked. Overlord raised his hand and had his fingers ready to snap. Belladonna looked back to see Orion and knew what he was gonna do. "NO!" Before Belladonna could swing her tail Overlord snapped his fingers. Belladonna's tail tore off the wizards head and she took heavy breaths. "What did that do?" Onimus asked.

Orion groaned and fell to his knees. Megatron held onto him trying to help him up. "What's wrong?" He asked. Orion grabbed onto the grass and tried to breath. "" Megatron laid Orion down and yelled for the King. Belladonna and Onimus ran over. "Is there anything you can do?" Onimus asked. Belladonna shook her head, " I can't heal something that's been done by magic." Onimus looked down holding his sons hand. "Am I g-gonna....d-die?" Orion asked, crying. Onimus didn't know what to say. His hand shook as he was frightened of losing his son. Belladonna sat down and roared as Orion's life slipped away from him.

When the prince dropped his hand Onimus laid his head on his sons chest and cried. Megatron stood strong and held back his tears. Belladonna kept her wings close showing respect. Megatron looked over as he heard groaning. Airachnid was still moving. Megatron walked over and kicked Airachnid over to her back. He grabbed her by her collar and snarled. "Whats the spell!" Megatron demanded. Airachnid coughed and groaned, "There is...n-no spell for this." Megatron set Airachnid down. "There must be something!" Onimus yelled. Megatron snatched the book from Airachnid and flipped through it. She wasn't lying. There was no spell to reverse what happened.

Belladonna closed her eyes seeing the scroll in her mind. She read the scroll and found the answer. "True Loves kiss. That's it!" Megatron and Onimus looked up at her. Belladonna lowered her head. "True loves kiss should reverse it." Onimus grabbed Megatron's arm and tossed him towards Orion. Megatron turned back. "Are you sure." Onimus nodded and Megatron sighed clenching his hands into fists. "Please work." He whispered. Belladonna and Onimus watched as the mech knelt down beside Orion and lifted the young prince to him. Their lips touched and everything started to glow. Onimus shielded his eyes as the light grew brighter and brighter.

A beacon shot up into the sky and Belladonna smiled. Megatron held onto Orion's hand, praying. Soon Orion coughed and shot up trying to breath. Onimus clapped his hands, "Yes!" Belladonna stood up and Megatron, well smiled. "Orion?" He asked. The prince smiled and touched the mech's face. "Megatron." The two kissed again and Onimus smiled. Belladonna walked up to the two and they looked over. "There's one last thing I shall do before I return to slumber." Orion stood up and looked at the dragon, "What's that?" The dragon didn't answer and Orion soon started to rise up. He looked around confused on what was happening. Red and blue dust covered him and glowed.

When Orion stepped down he was no longer himself. "I know make you, Optimus Prime. King/Queen of the Southern Donna." Onimus gasped at his sons new looks. Optimus looked at his new body and was surprised. "Thank you Belladonna." Optimus said, bowing. The dragon nodded and took off. Megatron grabbed the newly crowned prime and held him close. "Now you're tall." Optimus chuckled, "Yea. Now kiss me, fool." Megatron kissed Optimus and after awhile the two got married."

"And Megatron became a King." Zara and Amelia gasped. "Omg!" Zara jumped up and down, "I loved it!" Megatron set Edgar down, "Tell the dragon part again!" He said. Optimus shook his head, "It's bed time." The kids awed and walked to their spots. Megatron and Optimus put their young to sleep and walked out. "Good story telling." Megatron said. Optimus chuckled and hit Megatron with his hip. "You couldn't of done it." Megatron chuckled and opened the doors to the balcony. The two looked up at the moon as their capes showed up. The kingdom was quiet and the village was at peace. Optimus and Megatron danced through the night. Belladonna flew over head and roared showing their peace.

And they lived Happily Ever After

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