Felix x reader

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"This is the Officers Academy in Garreg Mach Monastery." You were escorted in by professor Byleth who was the teacher of the house you were now apart of, but you did not know which of the three you were going to be in. Since you were curious you decided to ask the professor what class you were in.

"Which class do you teach professor?" This earned a small smile from the mysterious professor and were told, "You will see soon enough."

After you were escorted to where you would be staying the professor said, "A few of my students will come by soon to show you around." You nodded and said "Thank you."

Shortly after getting settled in to your room you heard a knock on your door. When you opened it you were surprised you saw two young men that seemed to be your age. One had blonde hair and blue eyes and looked like a prince, the other looked a bit scary had dark hair and looked very annoyed and looked at you briefly then turned away.

"Hello, My name is Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd prince of the Kingdom of Faerghus, and one of your classmates." He smiled at you after introducing himself. 

Turning to the other one he also introduced himself quickly. "My name is Felix of house Fraldarius, now lets get this over with I would like to train today." 

"My name is (y/n) (l/n) and I look forward to being in the same class as you."

"Well then miss (y/n) we will show you around and then go see where the classroom is."

These two made you curious about what your other classmates will be like and you became very excited to meet them.

Once you had seen everything after a long tour that was necessary the last thing you finally see is your class. As you stood at the entrance you were a little nervous but shook it off as Dimitri spoke up, "This is the class you are now part of welcome to the Blue Lions house."

You were excited that this was going to be where you would learn many things to become a knight to protect what is important to you and many others. As you looked around the rest of your classmates came up and introduced themselves.

"H-hello my name is Ashe Ubert and I want to be a brave knight and I look forward to getting to know you."

You heard someone clear their throat, "Hello miss I am Sylvain of house Gautier and you are a beautiful sight." This brought a slight blush to your cheeks, but then you heard a girl say, "Sylvain stop flirting with the new student." She sighs, "Sorry about that he chases too many women so watch out, my name is Ingrid of the house Galatea."

"Oh is this her? Nice to meet you my name is Annette Dominic and I hope we can be good friends." You could tell she was someone with a lot of energy and always eager to learn new things.

Next to Annette waiting patiently for her turn, "Hello my name is Mercedes Martitz and please tell me what your favorite sweets are and I can make them for you." She smiles kindly at you and you could not help but smile back.

The last classmate to introduce themselves was very quiet but had a deep voice, "Excuse me my name is Dedue and I serve his majesty."

Now it was your turn. "Hello nice to meet you all my name is (y/n) (l/n) and I look forward to being in your class."

Once introductions were out of the way professor Byleth walked in and said "If introductions are out of the way we should go to the training grounds." This sounded interesting to Felix because he was curious about your skills and you did catch his attention even though you did not notice and he would not tell you.

"Training now? Who will I train with?" Felix was the first to walk up to you and say "Me, I want to see what you can do." This actually sounded interesting to you as well and you did want to see what the others were skilled at and get to know them more.

The one you were training with however, you would soon get to know better and maybe more as you train and learn together.

Credit to mamegohan for the image used.

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