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Silvery the nervous one: "uhhhhh- I'm scared that if I kill him that someone is gonna see....-"
Star the silent one: *silently kills Ørā*
Ørā the one who make himself so big that it's obviously him: *gets voted off*
Demon the bad lier: "I was in electrical-" *someone says they was in electrical and didn't see him* "that's cuz I was invisible, it's obvious-" TwT
Phoenix the one who self reports and doesn't talk: "...."
Fallen the creepy one: "haha being creepy go brrrrrr"
Jesus the smart one: "these people need to be better at killing people-"
Cake the precious one: "...I don't wanna kill anyone...."
Mr.cherry the one who sounds dead inside: "..ok..."
Rainbow the hacker that gets banned: "oof"
Aurum the loud one: "stomps on blue making a loud sound: "FRICK!!!"
Tesla the one who doesn't know what he's doing: *kills in front of Ørā* "did I win???" :D
Rouge the one who runs away from bodies: *sees body that his fellow imposter killed* "nope"
Dad the one that makes dad jokes after killing: "hey star, I'm dad!"
Tomato the one who leave foot prints then gets caught: "dang it-"
Mr. carrot the one that hashtags: "#########################"
David the one that gets voted first without any proof: "whyyyyy-"

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