AUL and the beans TRUTH OR DARE?

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Me: "the gentleman, truth or dare?"
The gentleman: "truth"
Me: "Do u have siblings???"
The gentleman: "uhhh yea"
The gentleman: "mr.player, truth or dare?"
Player: "truth"
The gentleman: "do u suck at among us or are u just dumb???"
Player: "I geuss I just suck at it-"
Player: "Vulcan, truth or dare?"
Vulcan: "I'm tired of all these truths, I'm going with dare"
Player: "I dare u to call Lucifer a bi-"
KitKat: "DO IT"
Angel tacos UwU: "DONT DO IT-"

Mean while in Lucifer and Vulcans room

Vulcan: "Lucifer I have something to say"
Lucifer: "yea Vulcan?"
Vulcan: "ur a huge BI-"
Lucifer: "...."
Vulcan: "IT WAS A DARE-"
Lucifer: "who dared it?"
Vulcan: "PLAYER"

Mean while in the cafe

Player: "why do I smell smoke?"
KitKat: "ohhhhh player u better run"
Poggers: "yup u better run lol"
Player: *runs*
Lucifer: "PLAYER!!!"
Also Lucifer: *sets star on fire by accident*
Me: "haha fire proof go brrrrr"
Vulcan: "star truth or dare?"
Star: "dare"
Vulcan: "I dare u to slam the door to goopers room open and says 'I SMELL PENNIES"
Star: "ok!"

Mean while with gooper

Gooper: "lol"
Me: *burst door open*
Star: *comes back to the cafe*
Also star: "david(yes this is my brothers OC) truth or dare?"
David: "truth!"
Star: "is it true that u read the gentleman x mr.cheese books with the gentleman being bottom?"
The gentleman: "DIS BOI DO WHAT!?"
David: "uhhhh- fine yes-"
Also David: "the gentleman truth or dare"
The gentleman: "....dare"
David: "I dare u to put on a pink dress"
Lucy: "oop-"
Vulcan: "yup u got a gay brother star-"
The gentleman: "BOI WHAT!?!?"
David: "DO IT, unless ur to scared UwU"
The gentleman: "fine-" ;-;

Mean while in the gentleman and mr.cheeses room

The gentleman: "why do I have to have this dang dress on-?"
Mr.cheese: "well I mean- u look nice in it!"
The gentleman: "thanks...-"
The gentleman: "ehhh- shut up-"
The gentleman: "KitKat, truth or dare?"
KitKat: "dare!"
The gentleman: "I dare u to- kiss a random person or thing in this room"
KitKat: "...."
Also kitkat: *kisses the floor* "I would rather kiss the floor than any of u to be honest-"
Star: "yea that's fine"
KitKat: "orange beano, truth or dare?"
Orange beano: "dare!"
KitKat: "I dare u to kill Lucy"
Lucy: "WHAT!?"
Orange beano: "OK-"
Orange beano: *kills Lucy* "done!"


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