Part IV

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Cosmic: Hiyo I'm back

Marsh: I've been waiting


Hamster: ME too gimme

Dark: yeah same

Cosmic: ok geez can we play the name game tho

Marsh: .... maybe

Cosmic: !godmode goos distribute

Goos have been redistributed to respective owners

Marsh: FINALLY my gooooos

Cosmic: can we play name game nowwww plzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Marsh: no

Cosmic: :( pweez

Marsh: fine, hbu, dark and hamster

Dark: I'm fine with it

Hamster: ig

Cosmic: yayyy

Cosmic and 3 other(s) have renamed themselves

Nevergonnagiveyouup: Why is no one talking?

ThatAnnoyingPerson2201: idk

EzWinForMe: ThatAnnoyingPerson is Cosmic

ThatAnnoyingPerson2201: nope, and your marsh

EzWinForMe: Dang it

Grass: ThatAnnoyingPerson is Hamster

ThatAnnoyingPerson2201: grrrrrrr

Nevergonnagiveyouup: Andd, grass is Dark. I win.

Nevergonnagiveyouup: Plus yall got rickrolled... kinda.

Marsh and 3 other(s) has renamed themselves

Marsh: You know, this game is kinda boring

Hamster: Thats cuz you lost, nub


Cosmic: yknow i have god mode too

Marsh: .....

Cosmic has invited Nova to the chat.

Cosmic: idk this was getting kind of boring so i invited nova here.

Nova: Hi whats this

Cosmic: It's our epic group chat

Marsh: With emphasis on epic cough cough

Cosmic: shush, we don't wanna scare nova off too quickly

Nova: I have a bad feeling about this...

Cosmic: Don't worry, this group chat is all unicorns and rainbows


Dark: That was sarcasm, right....

Marsh: ..................

Nova: looks like your friends here think otherwise

Cosmic: Their not my friends.

Nova: Then why are they here

Cosmic: I haven't the foggiest idea

Marsh: You haven't got ANY ideas going on in that empty head of yours

Hamster: oh snappp

Cosmic: had to say that?

Marsh: yes

Cosmic: how bout truth or dare...?

Dark: heck no

Hamster: We all know what happened last time..

Cosmic: ok ok fineee geez

Cosmic: This story's gonna be dead if we don't do anything....dead like Marsh's brain cells!

Cosmic: yeah i had to get back at you for the first roast

Marsh: grrr...

Nova: mlao

Marsh: why are you siding with cosmic you know hes a annoying little piece of-

Cosmic: Nova's siding with me bc im epic :)

Marsh: no your not, nova, don't listen to him

Cosmic: no listen to me im your friend remember

Marsh: Well Nova, you need to stop making friends with people with negative IQ.

Dark: oOoOooOooOoO

Cosmic: Marsh, I think you confused me with yourself, after all your the one with negative IQ.

Marsh: ooooo your onnn

Hamster: hold up lemme grab the popcorn

Dark: same

Nova: I ran out of popcorn

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