Chapter 7: Into the Underworld We Go

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Sarah sighed as she looked up to the light and noticed something odd. Her room was clean. She looked around as she sat up and then noticed that Togaru was sleeping in the corner with folded clothes all around him.

Arachne woke up in her room to the feeling of sunlight hitting her eyelids. She sat up and stretched, her arms and back popping. Rubbing her eyes, she got up and changed into new clothes, choosing athletic gear. She knew she had a long day ahead, and she'd need to move. She opened the door, and started for the McEwen household.

Sarah somehow managed to slip past the sleeping demigod but tripped on the sleeping bipedal cat.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!" The girl screamed and woke up the twin, demigod and Cat.

"Hey I am not going to do anything." Kami said and Sarah again screamed as Togaru looked at the scene and sighed.

Arachne entered the house, and heard screaming. She grimaced, irritated if not surprised. Never a dull moment in this house. She headed to the twin's room, and saw a room in absolute chaos.

The scene was Sarah holding onto Togaru who was facepalming with Katherine at the door also facepalming. Kami looked like a confused kitten at why the shorter haired twin was scared of the cat and clinging to the strong demigod.

Arachne started to say something, then stopped and shook her head.

"How was your night?" She asked the room at large. Togaru dragged his hand down his face, but said nothing. Katherine responded instead,

"I slept fine until I heard my sister scream and saw this... The fact her room is clean surprises me." Togaru looked around,

"Yes, only because I cleaned it."

The twins were shocked,

"Really?" In unison, Togaru's face darkened,

"It was only because I couldn't sleep anywhere. It's not like I cared or anything."

Kami looked over if he tilted his head.

"But this place seems to be clean all around." And the demigod growled, but the cat only put his front paws up. "Not going to argue with you." The cat smiles as he seems calm.

"Sorry, who are you?" Katherine said as she looked at Kami.

"Sorry, Kami Iceson... Son of the strongest ice dragon, one of the last long tailed cat demons. At your service." The cat said as he smiled sweetly and then had a Katarr to his throat.

The room's atmosphere shifted instantly. The air crackled with electricity, as Togaru glared at the cat. The spirit twins appeared, and drew their weapons, in case things get dicey.

"Move it boys." Amelia's voice came from behind the door as the godslayer pushed through and kicked the demigod back.

"Hush it fool, I know the mother of the cat and she is something we want on our side." The red haired woman said as Kami looked up and smiled.

"Well, long time no see, Amelia." The cat said before getting hit in the back of the head by the godslayer.

"Quiet, what are you even doing here?"

"No idea... Just ended up here."

"Of course you did." Arachne muttered, expecting not to be heard, but Kami's ears swiveled and heard her comment.

"Yes, I know it makes no sense. No need to be angry." He said, and Arachne blinked in surprise.

"Sorry, just overwhelmed, and anxious to get my journey underway." She said. Furorem and Fortitudo shot each other a quick look behind Arachne's back, uneasy. They put away their weapons, and relaxed.

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