First day of school

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Alexia's POV

Hi my name is Alexia I'm 15 and I'm a boy I know I know why is my name a girl. Well it's my parents who named me blame them, by the way I'm gay yeah yeah wow no way, I missed my hometown in Montreal,  I moved here to New Jersey because my dad got a better job here, I hate leaving and moving to another place and new school and making new friends, I cried when I left my friends and I hate saying goodbye but we still get in contact with each other by face time and social media and oh I forgot to say that I'm shy when I meet new people also I have long hair and lots of people mistaken me as a girl and I didn't mind at all in fact I secretly like it when people call me a girl.

{Just imagine what u want him to look like}

morning, First day of high school, my alarm clock rang at 6:00 am and I woke up yawning and got up and open my closet to take my school uniform and go to the bathroom and take a nice hot shower and then went downstairs to eat breakfast.
"Omg I can't believe it's school already, time passes so quick I missed my friends back home."
"I know it's hard to settle in sweetie you just need some time to adjust and make new friends again."
"Mom you know I don't like talking to people right?"
"Sweetie just try and who knows you might find someone....a boyfriend? Hm! Hm!"

My mom said winking and smirking and giggling, yeah she knows I'm gay and so does my dad they're very supportive of me.

"Mom stop, no, not now I'm going to focus on my studies first"

"Hmmm alright but! If you got a boyfriend you have to bring him home and introduce him to us alright?"


"Alright alright sweetie just saying."

"And if I did get a boyfriend I will tell you and dad and bring him home"

"Okay sweetie enough chatting you're going to be late for school."

"OH CRAP!!!! Alright mom love you bye"

"Bye sweetie has a great day at school."

"Thanks mom see you later"

I said as a got out of the house and ride the school bus, God this is going to be a long day I hope and don't mess things up and embarrass myself in class or in front of the whole school, alright here we go no turning back now I've got this. I arrived at school and went to the Office and ask the secretary for my schedule.

"Umm hi miss I'm here for my schedule"

"Call Me Mrs. Holmes, what's your name sweetie?"

"Oh it's Alexia Lesley"

"Thanks sweetie, just wait for a bit I'm just going to print it out for u alright?"

"Sure no problem Mrs. Holmes"

"Alright here you go, do you want to get you someone for a tour of the school sweetie?"

"Yes please Mrs. Holmes I don't know where to go I just moved here"

"It's no problem sweetie"

She took the phone and called someone, I waited for a few minutes and saw someone coming from the hallway it was a cute guy he's tall like 6ft and me, I'm like 5'3 and he seems popular in this school he looks older like 16-17 and he stops in front of me and we made eye contact and he smiled I smiled back at him, he turned to look at Mrs. Holmes said hi to her and then looked back at me.

"Hi Mrs. Holmes"

"Hello Nicolas can you give this young lady a tour of the school."

"Of course Mrs. Holmes it's a pleasure"

I quickly interrupted their conversation to tell them that I'm a boy not a girl because if I don't they're going to continue thinking that I'm a girl not a boy, well it's not their fault I always let my hair down.

"Umm excuse me, pardon me Mrs. Holmes if I interrupted your conversation with Nicolas here but I'm actually a boy not a girl."

"Oh I'm sorry sweetie, it's just you really look like a girl"

"It's alright Mrs. Holmes. I know and many people told me that I look like a girl"

"Oh by the way Nicolas this is Alexia" Mrs. Holmes said to Nicolas.

"Hi Nicolas" I said to him

"Hey Alexia, shall we go for your school tour?"

"Yes we shall" I said giggling.

"Alright see you around Mrs. Holmes"

"See you young man" Mrs. Holmes said to Nicolas.

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