First day of school (part 2)

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Nicolas's POV
Name's Nicolas I'm 16 turning 17 in a week and it's the first day of high school another boring year if you ask me, I get ready to go to school to meet up with my best friend Mark he's been with with me since diaper days we're like brothers basically, I also forgot to mention that I'm kinda a Jock of the school so basically all of the girls likes me.

I arrived at school and went to my locker and get my stuff for my first subject and it's math geez who likes math and I closed my locker to find Mark.
"Sup bro how's your summer?"

"It was good bro I had so much fun what about you Nick?"

"Eh could be better, we better go to class before we're late and get detention from Mr. Glee"

"Yeee man let's go before we get stuck with him, I don't really like him"

We went to class and put our stuff on our desk and Mr. Glee started talking about math problems that we couldn't understand one bit, I wasn't listening because I was drawing on my desk until I heard Mr. Glee's voice and I snapped out of my thoughts telling me that I got called in the office, me wondering what could it be.

"Mr. Flores you're being called in the office" Mr. Glee said to me.


"I said you're being called in the office mr. Flores.....god kids these days" he said as he went back to teach the class.

"Bro it's the first day of school haha your being called in the office" Mark said laughing.

"Oh shut up Mark before I beat your ass"

"Alright alright haha just sayin"


I said as I went out to go to the office and see what's going on, as I walked to the office I see a girl waiting and talking to Mrs. Holmes. When I arrived I looked at her and made eye contact and then smiled and she smiled back at me that was so cute and the I turned to talked to Mrs. Holmes.

"Hi Mrs. Holmes"

"Hello Nicolas can you give this young lady a tour of the school." Said Mrs. Holmes.

"Of course Mrs. Holmes it's a pleasure" I replied back to her. But before we could finish our conversation the girl interrupted and spoke up and said.

"Umm excuse me, pardon me Mrs. Holmes if I interrupted your conversation with Nicolas here but I'm actually a boy not a girl."

Umm what she say I meant he said he's a boy not a girl what but he looks so much like a girl whoah whoah whoah nahhh.

"Oh I'm sorry sweetie, it's just you really look like a girl" Mrs. Holmes apologized to the boy.

"It's alright Mrs. Holmes. I know and many people told me that I look like a girl" that boy said to Mrs. Holmes.

"Oh by the way Nicolas this is Alexia" Mrs. Holmes told me, he has a cute name, wait omg why did I say that.

"Hi Nicolas" said Alexia

"Hey Alexia, shall we go for your school tour?" I told him.

"Yes we shall" he said giggling. Damn that was cute omg not again.

"Alright see you around Mrs. Holmes" I said to Mrs. Holmes.

"See you young man" Mrs. Holmes said to me.

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