Day Five

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Dear Diary,

I had the weirdest dream! It went like this:

I was looking in the mirror at first. I saw myself and saw that my eyes were tired and worn. My lips cracked and bruised. I saw that something was stuck on me, and I tried to remove it, but it wouldn't come off. It was scary. Then, everything moved.

I was at school. I was in the gym. I can only remember that I was looking for my old friend who moved, James, for some reason. It shifted again.

I was with my friends in a park. Like one of those huge vacation park. My cousin was there too. She went to school with me, and we were VERY close. They had this huge virtual game thing where you could join and play with your avatar in a dome. You wore a suit and special glasses.

I dreamt that I'd become insane and a monster and threw my friends against the wall and hurt people. I screamed inside to stop, but I kept on hurting them. Men took me out eventually, but I almost killed my friends for real.

I did it for two days straight, and I had a vision of my cousin and everyone else talking in the lobby.

My cousin was crying and saying, "We have to stop her.."

Our friends gathered around and nodded.

Then, on the third day, I woke up in what I guessed was my hotel room. I looked around and got up. I could control my body now! I walked to the maintenance closet in the dome so they wouldn't keep me out.

I walked outside and saw my cousin there. She was probably just waiting for everyone else, since she didn't have her gear on. She started crying and backing away from.

I whispered,
"...I'm not going to hurt you."

She just screamed and yelled. I cried and ran away.

I found myself outside a building at nighttime. It had windowed walls and I walked around. I saw dancers inside and saw two girl dancers waiting outside. They were banging on the door. They looked at me. I saw someone from inside come out and yell at the two girls to leave. I ran away.

I fell, and I screamed for help. No one did.....

I woke up.

(Real time)

It was crazy!!!!

I don't know what it could possibly mean. It's been eating away at my brain ALL DAY.

Have you ever had a crazy dream and had no idea what it meant so you wrote it down?

I write down my dreams all the time. If I don't, I feel like I'll forget them, and I don't like to forget. It's really nice to look back on my dreams, too, and find out just how wacky I am.


Well, I gotta go.


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