Kindness And Denial

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This chapter will have changing point of views, so I apologize if you don't enjoy that stuff. I will try to keep this to a minimum throughout the story as much as I can, it just makes sense to do so here

Tanjirou's pov:

"Hey guys, will you stop arguing please? Someone's passing by," I asked Inosuke and Zenitsu but I know they won't. For as much as I cherish them as friends, they can be annoying most of the time, always being at eachothers throats no matter where they are. I watched the person, a girl about our age it seemed, walked by I tensed up a little. "I'm sorry about my friends being annoying," I called out, but the reply I received stunned me. "Shut up, I don't care." She said it in a cold, low voice. I try not to be negative about rude people, but this made me tick slightly

"Hey, girl don't talk to Monjirou like that!" Inosuke blurted, like usual. He can make a fight out of anything, literally anything. He was probably getting ready push her around a bit, but I grabbed him to make sure he wouldn't do anything. "Leave it Inosuke, it's alright. She's probably just had a bad morning," I say calmly, still a bit ticked but trying not to pay any mind.

Usually people appreciate my kindness, or at least aren't as cold to it as she was. If Nezuko was here, she probably would of ate the head off of her. "We should start going to school guys," I say, still trying to comprehend what happened. "Yeah sure, Tomioka will kill me if I'm late," Zenitsu agreed sheepishly.

Tomioka is our P.E. teacher, a good one, but he hated Zenitsu for some reason. Probably because of his abnormal hair. He always tells him to dye it black or brown, which is usually met with Zenitsu shouting that his hair is naturally yellow. We started to walk our way to school as if that odd encounter didn't happen.

Kanao's pov:

As I was walking past the three weirdos on the road, I took a good at them. The one with the red hair had a very soft and caring aura, a bit like Shinobu and Kanae towards me but multiplied tenfold, probably to the point of being annoying. The yellow haired one was a sad excuse for a human, it looked like anything could scare him. He would probably get scared by his own shadow. His voice, holy hell it's the most annoying thing I've heard. It's so high pitched, I thought he was a girl for a second. I wanted to hit him just to shut him the hell up. Only thing he has going for him is that hair. The last one, weird blue haired one looked like an animal. He looked like a girl, but could probably beat anyone in a fight.

As I walked by, the red haired guy turned to me and started to apologize. This honestly annoyed me, you shouldn't have even started being idiots in public. "Shut up, I don't care," is all I said, scoffing at them. "What idiots, can't even behave themselves ou-" I started thinking before I heard the blue animal one talk. "Don't talk to Monjirou was like," was what he said, or at least something like that. I wasn't really paying attention, I just wanted them to be quiet.

I heard than Monjirou one tell his friend to back off, which annoyed me. He thinks I can't defend myself? Bloody jerk! I wanted to turn around and yell at them, but Shinobu probably would be disappointed at me. I picked up my speed and got away from them. "This is why I don't go outside, people like them. They're so bloody annoying," I groaned, already wanting to go home just to get away from people. I was in school pretty quickly after it, but something told me that today wasn't going to be good.

Word count: 620 (roughly)
A/N: Sorry about this one taking a bit to come out, school was a bit weird this week so I couldn't get a lot of writing done. For context, the reason why I'm going for a cold, nearly aggressive Kanao is just for a change of pace also because I think it'll be fun to write. I'll be taking my time from here one out, these 3 starting chapters are a good enough base for me to build the story. Also like 40 reads in the first week what the hell. You're amazing
I'll release the next chapter soon enough, you'll have to wait most of likely. Have a nice day!
Edit: unless stated, the story will primarily be from Tanjirou's view going forward

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