Salem [4]

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  • Dedicado a for all my fans: THANKS!!!!

Chapter 4

(Ben’s pov)

            I moaned as I woke up, my body was stiff and sore. I looked around, it seemed that I was in a cave of some sort. I turned and saw John sitting next to me crossed legged.

            “JOHN!” I screamed out and threw myself at him hugging him.

            There was a soft chuckle and I felt the familiar arms embracing me.

            I backed up and searched him for any signs or burning or scars, but he was smooth and flawless.

            “How… I saw you burn?” I whispered still grateful the he is still alive.

            “Fire can’t hurt me, I only went on to give you the chance to escape,” John said softly.

            “How did the fire not burn you?” I asked.

            John sighed, “I’ll tell you later, I promise.”

            I looked at him for a long moment and then nodded.

            “Did it hurt you that much, to see me gone?” John asked softly.

            I nodded and sniffed as the tears started to well in my eyes at the memory of the fire surrounding him.

            “Why did it hurt you that much?” John asked.

            I had the feeling he knew the answer, but I answered anyway.

            “Because I love you,” I muttered.

            I found myself in his hard embrace again and he whispered in my ear, “I love you too.”

            I leaned my head back and I kissed his lips, it was soft like brushing against his warm lips lightly and then I pressed them firmly on his.  He reacted to my lips by pressing his back; I opened my mouth slightly to suck on his lips softly. John moaned and he bit lightly on my protruding lips.  Our mouth opened wider and my tongue licked his mouth and played with his tongue.  John let out a small moan and he bit my tongue. I licked the roof of his mouth before he pushed me back panting.

            “We can’t… not right now, but soon, I promised.”

            I groaned and lay back down and rolled over to conceal the hard on I was supporting.

            “I’m sorry,” John whispered wrapping his arms around me.

            I felt his hand slid over my hips and he dipped his hand into my pants and gripped my hard on.

            I moaned bucking in his hand.

            “My, my, what big organ you have,” he whispered in my ear and stoke my cock.

            I moaned, “Better to impale you with, my dear,” I said huskily.

            John gripped my cock harder and pumped it making me moan, his thumb smear the pre-cum all over the tip making me tense.

            “You are so close, I can feel it, you really want me,” John whispered in my ear.

            He kissed my ear and kissed my neck, sucking on it making me moan, he still pumped my cock up and down.

            I moaned and arched and I screamed out and jazzed out my load spraying the cave floor and John hand. I moaned softly and slumped against John.

            “Good boy,” John whispered as he licked his messy hand clean.  He laid next to me and hugged me tight.

            “Sleep, please, I’ll be here in your arms,” John whispered nuzzling at my neck.

            I turned around I pressed close to his body, his arms tightened around me.

            “I love you,” John whispered.

            “Love you too,” I said yawning and falling asleep.

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