Cat was done with chores by the time Magnus got home. Including the task of washing Church, their cat which left her with several gashes along her arms. Cat was convinced that if Church really desired it, he could make her death look like a suicide. Magnus appeared in front of her, hauling her into the portal. For an instance it she felt the flying feeling that was associated with portals. Then they were in a large room filled with other warlocks and various downworlders. There was rushed and quiet whispers along the room. Fear. Mothers clutching their children, when suddenly a cry was heard. Her dad was occupied with the other people. So she slowly made her way towards the sobbing Warlock who she recognized as Xavius.

"What's wrong?" She asked, but the man just continued to sob. Another man answered her.

"Mello. She's lost. We think she's out there at the entrance." She nodded at the man, and stood up. When suddenly Xavius grabbed her wrist. His eyes were tearful and his voice broke as he whispered.

"Get my baby. Your a shadowhunter. Please bring Mello back."  Cat looked at him, and cursed her caring nature.

"I will." She told the warlock, quickly glancing around for her father. Who was no where in sight. Sighing, Cat quickly ran to the door that separated the barrier between the regular warehouse and the safehouse. Glancing once more for Magnus, not spotting him she opened the door. The door blending in as soon as she closed it.
It was silent, not the comfortable silence, but a warning silence. A silence you get before everything happens. The calm before the storm. That's when she heard the muffled crys. Someone crying while trying to be silent.

"Mello?" She whispered stepping deeper into the room, spotting the young girl who was hidden beneath a table. "I'm here to take you to your dad. Okay?" Cautiously taking steps into the room, before grabbing the girls hand, pulling her towards the magic door. She was almost there when a seraph bladed suddenly impaled her shoulder. Cat let out a scream of pain, and pushed the girl towards the door. Who quickly disappeared into it, one of the circle members trying to enter it.

"You can't enter without a warlocks permission dumbass " Cat gasped out clutching her bleeding shoulder. The metallic smell spreading throughout the room. The blonde man turned to her, allowing Cat to see his eyes. They were soulless, evil, and at that sight Cat knew she was going to die today. He advanced on her, launching the blade into her abdomen. Cat screamed in pain as he pulled it back out.

"Well let me in." He sneered at her, watching as she tried to put pressure on her profusely bleeding wounds. Cat opened her mouth to respond when the man froze a blade appearing in his chest. He fell to the ground revealing no other than Jace Wayland, standing there holding a bloody seraph blade. His eyes widening at the sight of the girl who had begun bleeding slightly from the mouth. Cat let out slight sobs from the pain, when the other three ran over.

"Coast is clear." Skyscraper told him, stopping at the sight of the girl. The two girls gasping.

"We have to get her to Magnus." Izzy said, helping the girl to her feet. Letting Cat glimpse at the puddle she had been laying in, surprised she had any blood left. She swayed on her feet, but walked forward leading the four to the door. Jace lifting her up half way, carrying her into the room with the warlocks.

"MAGNUS." Izzy yelled out causing the crowd of people to part like the red sea. Her dad standing in the middle. Magnus rushed towards them, spotting his bloody daughter at once. The pain was excruciating, but Cat couldn't seem to fall asleep, knowing that if she did, it would be the last time.

"What happened?" Magnus asked taking his daughter, leading them to a smaller private room.

"M-M-Mello?" Cat stuttered out, coughing up blood, in the attempt.

"Mello's fine." Magnus answered, cutting the shirt away to reveal a sickly would, that went through the small girl. He let out a frustrated huff, knowing that his magic wouldn't heal her.

"She needs to go to the Institute." Clary said, as Cat shook her head. Having overheard their plans to summon the dream demon.

"Bind me up for the moment." She ordered, watching as the two boys held her up as Magnus wrapped the gauze around her wounds. A crimson color seeping through instantly. Without a word, Izzy pulled her over to the side supporting the small girls frame as Clary began to draw. She could feel the skyscrapers gaze on her, distracting her from the pain, making her feel embarrassed. Here she stood, bloody, bruised, and shirtless. She felt weak.

"Everybody join hands, and don't break the circle." Magnus said grabbing his daughters hand. "The demon will ask for a payment. You must give it and not break the circle." Cat smiled and gripped Clary's hand, as a small tornado formed.

"He wants your happiest memory." Magnus announced, looking at Cat to start. Cat smiled and a second later it appeared, her and Magnus when she was thirteen. He was teaching her to slow dance.
Next was Clary, who showed her and wgat Cat assumed was her mother. Jace showed him, Skyscraper, and Izzy. Izzy showing one of what looked like her family, Alec showing the same thing as Jace. All at once, The world was going dark, and Cat was falling to her knees. Falling deeply unconscious, breaking the circle as she went down. Magnus was the next to let go to help his daughter, noticing quickly that the gauze were soaked in blood. Her breathing was rapid, and uneven.

"Give her here." Alec said as he approached them, looking at the dying girl, and a helpless father. Magnus shook his head, crying, and pulled the girl closer to his body.

"I need to take her to the Institute." He slowly explained, like he was talking to a small child. "She needs medical treatment."

"Magnus if you still want to be a father tomorrow. We need to go now." Izzy explained as Alec pulled the girl from him. Leaving Jace and Clary to comfort a crying Magnus, the brother and sister quickly walked towards the car. A few minutes later they were both speeding towards the Institute, Cat fighting for her life between them.

Love and Warlock.        Alec X OCWhere stories live. Discover now